(Yeah, yeah, I know, Isn't this supposed to be my name, well, I had to put something in didn't I?)

REAL NAME:- Jason Saranger
AGE:- 17
HEIGHT:- 5,9"
POWERS:- Can create shields or other formations by compressing the molecules in the air to a near impenetrable state.
BRIEF HISTORY:- Shieldz is the joker of the pack, and a tad immature to boot. His attitude with the group is slack. He has no fighting spirit, and thus doesn't really care about battle outcomes (unless it involves his well being). Jason doesn't really get along with his parents, and joined the group for escapism (of curse the money didn't dissuade him either). Many wonder why Shieldz was employed by the U.N, but it is apparent that, when pushed, he is a formidable fighting force. Shieldz hangs out with his best friends from the old days as kids, Vacuum, and Obliterator. He sees them as a much needed counterpart to all the adults in his life.

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All characters and situations are copywrite to J.Manning(1996)
If you're gonna steal my characters etc, think of me, 20 years into the future, not being able to feed my kids, because some bastard couldn't be arsed to think up their own comic.
If you want to contact me concerning job offers, comments on my work etc, mail me at