The Cockroach Welcomes You To Her Home Page

You may ask, why Cockroach? I harbor some rather bizarre artistic endeavors, the newest of which is cockroach mania.
Here is my first piece. It is entitled The Judge and John Riggins.
Actually, I've discovered a new obsession. Horses! Unfortunately, I can't afford the paint and glue after the feed bills.

And now! Introducing! The Cockroach Art Gallery!

The Emperor(penguin)s' New Clothes
The Canvas
Iowa Corn
It's a Girl!
War and Peace(s)
Lenin's Tomb
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Pet Sematary
Atlas Shrugged
Madame Butterfly
Rite of Spring
Easter Island
Big Bird in Drag

Twister! See it and read it to believe it!
A tribute to Francis Scott Key.
Here is a picture of Buster and me.
This is where I used to work, it even has text.

"I've never jumped out of a cake, but I've blown one up with an M-80."

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