The Perfect Partner
From the point of view of a single raven.

Disclaimers to begin with, methinks...
This list of features is desirable to me, as far as I know.
I could be entirely mistaken, and might possibly fall madly in love with someone possessing entirely different characteristics.
I have my doubts.

While I'm at it, I'll add a few extra columns to the list, indicative of various things, one of which is, I realise, purely pseudo-mathematical, and is only present for its comedic effect upon myself and a few other sad individuals.

% importance Characteristic Proportion of people with the trait Cumulative probability of person having all traits
100 Likes me 0.2 0.2
90 Female 0.5 0.1
80 Player of games 0.3 0.03
70 In tune with puns 0.33 0.01
60 Able to understand obscure compliments 0.3 0.003
50 Dark hair 0.33 0.001
45 Dark features 0.3 0.0003
45 Tall+thin or petite 0.16 0.00005
30 Quite computer literate 0.2 0.00001
30 Vegetarian 0.1 0.000001
40 Voice I find attractive 0.1 0.0000001
40 Pretty, in my opinion 0.1 0.00000001
50 Creature of the night 0.1 0.000000001
25 Creative 0.2 0.0000000002
20 Interested in random things 0.1 0.00000000002
90 Honest 0.05 0.000000000001
80 Enjoys sex 0.2 0.0000000000002
10 Good taste in music and clothes 0.1 0.00000000000002
5 Doesn't dither in supermarkets 0.05 0.000000000000001

So, there you have it - the chances of a person picked at random being The Perfect Partner are approximately... (by pseudo-mathematics)... ten million billion to one. (American style millions and billions)

That makes there quite bad odds against such a person existing in the world. So it's probably a good job they're not all requirements, mostly just preferences. Getting half the available points (from the percentage column) is probably quite acceptable, and three quarters is probably pretty good.

All sounds very cold, doesn't it? Well, as with the rest of my page, it's not very serious. The only true way to judge whether I'll fall for someone is to trip me near them.

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