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The Crow II City of Angels

 I believe there is a place where the restless
                                 souls wander,
  Burdened by the weight of their own sadness,
                   they cannot enter heaven...

  And so they wait, trapped between our world,
                                 and the next,
          endlessly searching for a way to rid
                      themselves of the pain--
         in the hopes that somehow, someday...
they will be reunited with the ones they love.

         If two people really love each other,
                nothing can keep them apart...

(By the way, I think The Crow II sucked, compared to any movie, especially the original Crow.)

  • My writings
  • Jim Morrison's writings

  • I'm constantly working on this site! I'm trying to get YOUR poems on here! Just send your submission to Nobodey@usa.net


    Rod McKuen

  • Warning
  • The Outer Reaches of the Heart
  • Mind Shifts
  • Empty Harbour
  • Empty
  • Beginning Again

    Gary N. Koone

  • Best Friend


  • Alone
  • Kilteer


  • Drip

    WARNING by Rod McKuen
    You must get out of me
         and I away from you.
    In these inner canyons,
    some have withered, some have died,
    their ghosts will push you out
                      unless you leave.

    To the top

    The outer reaches of the heart
    are never fully tracked
    but I have seen the limits
    of my own heart in the distance
    and now I know its boundaries
    to be unlimited.
    I had begun to feel
    that sorrows fought and conquered
    could not touch or threaten me again,
    but this new grief is wider
    than the sleep of reason.
    I have moved through solitaire
    to some unnamed place
                    beyond alone
    and I am stranded here without a map.
    I wish that I had not gone
    swimming in the distance
    without an island or a raft
    as harbour or safe floating place.
    The after wish
    is always harder to make so
    than the dream we call a starting place.
    Safety always lies -out there-.
    How to get from here to there,
                            the question.
    The answer, wait for transportation.

    Take it to the top

    MIND SHIFTS by Rod McKuen
    If I could wrap the rain
                  around me
    I would not
    Nor would I willingly go beyond
             the reach of the clouds.
    There is comfort in the drizzle
                     of an afternoon
    and something sure and constant
    in the roar of gutter rivers
    when I awaken at night
    Why is it
    thunder's first anouncement
             of impending black
    can calm me easier than daylight?
    It may be that the rain outside
    drop by drop and drip by drip
    builds up a wall of safety.
    I lie about security.
    I want the safety of familiar arms
    while holding freedom to the light
    as blueprints and the prize.
    There is no freedom without familiars,
    no safety without the speed
    to drive away from safety.
    Moderation is but one more
                     yo-yo snare.
    I should have been a seaman
                         or a miner,
    learning flag code signals-
                     lamp wick warnings,
    ready for each mind shift
    and each mine shaft down a life.
    Instead I am a yeoman
    and of no convincing guard.

    To the top

    EMPTY HARBOUR by Rod McKuen
    Those of us who sleep alone
    are like abandoned boats-
    we become accustomed
    to lack of ownership
    We believe our chosen paths
    are only where the sea drift takes us.
    I have come back
    to where the cedar hills
    wear darkness like a stocking cap,
    where morning comes the way
                      the fish hawk comes
    quickly and on silent wings-
    not because I had to or so wished
    but because I found myself
    moving in this sure direction.
    I am still here looking for you.
    There are no days
    when I do not seek you out,
    no hours anymore when you are not 
    when I am not sure beyond imagining
    that I will meet you in the hills
          or on the street.
    I never do.
    But I still go and come
    to places we shared first together.
    I always travel alleyways we knew;
    these journeys need no compass
               and no chart.
    They have been tracked before
    and I will go on tracking them
                 alone if need be.

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    EMPTY by Rod McKuen
    Empty as a string of dirty days
    held toghether by some rain
    and the cold wind drumming
    at the trees again.
    Empty is the color of the fields 
    along about September
    when the days go marching
    in a line towards November.
    Empty is the hour before sleep
    kills you every night
    then pushes you to safety
    away from every kind of light.
    Empty is me. Empty is me

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    The eternal magic of eternal things
    sends the dreamere out into the world,
                            brings him home again.
    One wind makes another.
    Recent rains remind us of a rain ago.
    Sunshine is the same every time
    seen through different eyes,
                  felt to different skin,
    it is still a wonder and a prize
    as love and loving always is again.
    I begin today. In life, in love,
                       in everything
    the same start I had every yesterday
    not concerned with where I am,
                      where I have been,
    only where I go and to what end.
    Does rain provide a resurrection
    or plow a final resting place,
    does love once done inhibit love,
    life once lived stop life
    from sprouting from a dying limb?
    These must be winter questions
    since answers only come when winter 
                        comes again.
    Some songs do not exist without the singer
    certain rhymes are trapped and lost
                      on certain pages
    but these are only songs and rhymes.
    Eternal magic still rampages
    on the inside of eternal things.
    Fire. The river. Plum and cherry blossom
    and the vigilance of all the visions
    the dreamer carries back from traveed worlds.
    I have been thinking about
                    the absence of love.
    How useless April or December is
    without another ear to turn to
    or another's eyes to see
    a certain wonder exactly in the way
                    it came to us.
    A little melancholia for the final act
    a bit of excess baggage shuffled off
    and old coat traded in for new.
    Nothing is quite
    what we think it is.
    Chiches become so for good reason,
    the best contain a universal truth.
    It is never wrong to want,
    but you cannot have everything-
    Where would you put it?

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    BEST FRIEND by Gary N Boone
    I am my own best friend and I
    Despair the need for more than my
    Own steps upon this narrow walk
    around the unrelenting clock
    That beating shadow, pushing me
    Toward my dimming destiny
    And should I ever hesitate
    I hear it mock our crueler fate
    Your hands to touch, your eyes to see
    your fragrance, taste and melody.
    All must be sensed! I cannot block
    sensations in me as you talk
    Nor can I to cruel time deny
    That I need you more than I

    To the top

    Alone by Kilteer
    In the dark,
    Absence of all things,
    Pain of all forms,
    Drawing final breath,
    For peace everlasting,
    Of the failures of life,

    To the top

    Kilteer by Kilteer
    A darkened corner of a crowded room,
    There stands a lone figure.
    Something radiates in the air about him,
    Charisma, strong and attractive,
    Yet there is something else,
    His charisma attracts,
      people try to draw near,
    He looks to then with a sneer,
    There is a barrier, unseen, but certainly felt.
    The barrier is around his heart,
       a barrier of fear.
    Fear of being hurt or hurting others.
    Thus he stands alone,
       alone forever...
    Dwelling in fear and anguish.

    To the top

    Drip by Jora
    the unceasing pain
    Always dripping
    Always hitting the worn part of my heart
    causing it to scream
    in silent rage
    I can1t stop the pain from dripping
    I can1t stop the heart from screaming
    But I can give it warmth
    To turn the pain to love
    To calm the anger
    To catch the drip
    To mend my heart

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