What Fresh Hell is This?
Hi there and welcome to what I'd call "My little corner of the web" if I felt like being precious, which I don't.  So, I'm just going to jump into the introductions.
My name is Lenore Butcher.  I'm 32, married, mother of one absolutely adorable child and two insane cats.  If you harboured hopes of this page being any different than any other page, I'm afraid you're mistaken.  I'm going to bore you silly with tales of my family and my pseudo-philosophical musings on life, throw some links at you to other webpages, mostly those of my friends, and I might even let you sneak a peek or two at some of my more literary pursuits, but only if you promise to be good and read all the other stuff first, okay?
Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin...

Jockeys have been here before you

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