Listen Up You Little Pukes

I get so sick of people like Iruka Faust, or Jake Tommas. People like that Have no Idea what it means to be a Brujah. we are a nobel clan, and a clan at war, so listen up punk, it's time for you to pick sides.

Who are we? We are Brujah. Period. We are not Sabbat, we are not Cammerilla, we are not Anach, and we definatly ain't Inconnu. We are Brujah and Brujah only. Clan comes before sect, before Prince, before race, beofre Mom and Dad. I am still around you know, and any one of you like shits who fails to come to the aid of a brother or sister in need will see proof of that.

Where are we from? I wish I could tell you kiddo. Yes, that's right, not even the might 2-Bit knows that. There are so many stories, like Carthage that I just don't care enough to find out the truth. Of course Troielle is the first Brujah. Don't let anyone fill you up with this "We decend from Brujah" nonsense. Brujah was a stodgy old book worm, and Troielle put him in his place. She is our ultimate ancestor, for it is from her we take our Rage, and that is our Greatest Weapon.

What do we do? In all honesty, whatever the fuck we want. Th Cammies think we are their warriors, their "Front Line of Defence", and in a way we are... I mean, if we ever failed to stand up and kill Sabbat for them, they'd be toast. Why do we fight for them? Certainly not out of a sense of duty, but because they are the lesser of two evils. They have their Masqurade, and say what you will about the Cam, ithe Masqurade is important. Just remember kiddo, Brujah do whatever they like, whenever they like, and if you're Prince tells you different.... well, do like I did...

What don't we do? We don't under any circumstances, EVER, take orders. Never. We are a clan that runs ourselves. If you want to take orders join the Tremere. If anyone ever orders you to do something, even, NO ESPECIALLY if they are a clan Elder, kill them (elders should know better).

The Sects Yep, that's right, even inside our caln, we have three sects. Fist are the Icconoclasts. These Kats really know what's going on with the whole Brujah thing. They understand that it is our rage that drives us and they embrace it. Good form if you ask me. Then there are the Individualists. These dudes are cool, with the whole "I'm me and only me so Fuck Off" thing, but they take it a little too far. Some of them don't even like being called Brujah, and that's just plain dumb. That leaves only the Idealists. Whoa. These slouches ain't even clan except for the blood. Don't get me wrong, they're still brothers, but they fight the rage inside them, and try to act all peacefull like.... sickening....

Well that's about it. 2-Bit has a very short attention span and grew boerd. If you have any particular questions, feel free to drop me a line and I'll do what I can to help you out. I do love aiding newbie Brujah players.

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