Heyas, all!  Welcome to 1 Main Street, Carolineville:

wOw... you want to find out about me?  Aw... I'm so flattered.  Hmm?  You only pushed that button by mistake?  Oh, um... well, I'll just continue anyway. And I've added stuff!  I stole the q's from one of those e-mail things...

MY FULL NAME:  xRGWEUBW Caroline AXGNWUBF (btw, if you followed that, I'm impressed.)

LOCATION: Ontario, Canada.

MY AGE: I'm 17 at the moment (last update... I'll be *an adult* in 20 days... scary, hey?), born 82.04.15.

PETS:  Two turtles.  They're so cute!  There's Cassie, short for Cassiopeia, who's your run-of-the-mill Red Eared Slider, and Olivia, short for Olive Oyl {there was a Popeye :( }, who's a Florida Softshell majoring in water ballet. :)

HOBBIES: Tennis (Donut, stop laughing!), Skiing, I like-but-am-not-very-good-at Volleyball, Painting, Writing for the fun of it, Surfing the net, Meeting new people as pen pals, Biking, Rollerblading, Music.

MY FAITH: Christian. (Catholic if you must get specific.)  What's the difference?  Did you think they were the same thing?  ASK ME.

FAVE KIND OF MUSIC: I like most pop and Christian music, when it's upbeat and not offensive.  Right now I'm listening to Sugar Ray.  "Someday... when my life has passed me by..."  Music class, anyone?!?!?! :o) elol!!!

FAVE SONGS: Come by the hills, trad. arr. by Loreena McKennit, and Seize the Day by Carolyn Arends.

FAVE ARTIST (PAINTING): That'd probably be Georgia O'Keeffe.  Her flower paintings: White Rose And Larkspur and Orchid are really neat.  Get to a gallery of her work through my art gallery *building*.

CONTACT ME: You can get to me by me e-mail: cyber_chica1@hotmail.com or on ICQ with the number: 44914320.

FAVE WAY TO TRAVEL: Airplane, definitely.  *I can fly, I can fly!*

WHERE I WANT TO BE RIGHT NOW: Myrtle Beach.  That's where we go on vacation.  Sun, sand, and relaxation.

FAVE FOOD: Pizza is up there.  I really like Subway Sandwiches too.  Both can have all four food groups.  Chinese food is yummy too.

FAVE COLOURS: I like periwinkle, and most blue, greens and purples.  btw, that IS the right Canadian spelling. :o)

FAVE NUMBER: It's 11.  I think I chose it when I was 9 or 10 and kept with it.  I'm older than it now, but...

FAMILY: I've got one of everything: 1 mom, 1 dad, 1 sister (she's ~28), and 1 brother (he's ~24).

EYE COLOUR: blueberry (honestly, cut a blueberry in half... you'll see what i do everytime i look in the mirror lol)

HAIR COLOUR: *dirty* blond (just dark enough not to be considered dumb blond)

FAVE RELATIVE: my aunt Minna :o)

MEMORY YOU MISS THE MOST: playing in Cedar Park

FAVE DRINK: Schole... it's like bubbly AJ

FAVE TV SHOW: well, since i don't really have any channels on my TV... *sniff* i'd have to just stick with The Pretender, which i haven't seen in years.

FAVE CONCERT YOU'VE BEEN TO: um... Breakfast with Hokus Pick :o)

IN THE CAR, AC or WINDOWS: gotta be windows

DO U BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: yep.  in a non-false-self-esteem way

DRINKS WITH OR W/O ICE CUBES: w/o in restaurants, where they'll cheat you out of your drink.

FAVE THING 2 DO ON THE WEEKEND: pack the time with friends from different groups

WHERE DO U C YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS: finished university, working for a Christian organization marketing their t-shirts.  Hey, i can dream, can't i?

WHAT WAS THE FIRST THING U THOUGHT OF WHEN U WOKE UP THIS MORNING: well, when i actually got this e-mail questionnaire, it was, "man, that was a good dream.  I gotta get back to sleep!"

ROLLER COASTERS- DEADLY OR EXCITING: Exciting -- ohhhh yeah baby!

COOLEST THING ABOUT YOUR HOUSE: i have the entire top floor to myself 51 weeks out of the year... it's my bachelor pad elol

FUTURE SON'S NAME: Christian Jarod



WHAT'S THE MOST ROMANTIC SONG: "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal.

WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD?: it's just blue (da ba dee)

Btw, until I can access a scanner, this is all you'll see of me :)
Hey!  Guess what?!?!  I have a scanner now!  But this is still all you'll probably see of me elol