In-Depth Relationship Analysis for Lucy (03/29/68) and Rob (05/14/55)

How to get the most from this Relationship Report

The success of your relationship is never determined by your Birth Cards or your connections. You are the only ones who can make that happen. This report may shed some insight on how to do it, but you are still the one who decides that.

    Welcome to your personal Love Cards report. The purpose of this report is to reveal as much information about you and your partner as possible, using an ancient and highly accurate system called The Book of Destiny. It is our hope that this report will enlighten you a little, and maybe even help you to make more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. This report will explain many things about you, your partner, and how the two of you interact. However, in no way is this meant to tell you whether or not you will be successful as a couple. That success is always in your hands. No matter what connections you share, this relationship can be successful if both partners want it and are willing to commit to making it happen. However, you may discover herein just how easy or challenging that may be for the two of you.

    Your Relationship Report consists of two separate parts. The first part is where you will find the description of each of your Birth Cards and Planetary Ruling Cards, if you have them. This section will reveal some of your personality traits, values, and other factors that make each of you who you are. You can get a basic feeling for each of you in this section and perhaps get a new perspective on who you are. This section may also reveal some of your relationship patterns - what sorts of people you are each attracted to, whether you are inclined to commitment or not, and other factors that may influence your love life.

    Once you have learned something about each of you separately, you are ready to learn about how the two of you connect energetically. In the second part you will find out exactly what 'connections' you share with your partner that explain what each of you experiences when you are together. This is where you will find out what areas are easy or challenging for the two of you, what things you may like or dislike about your partner and why. Your connections explain how your relationship will be experienced by both of you. Some connections are good for sex, others for marriage, and others for working or business relationships.

    This report was created with the intention of opening up doors of understanding and awareness. May your awareness grow and along with it, your understanding of your life and your happiness with it.

All about Lucy's Birth Card

Our Birth Card is our most important symbol of who we are in this lifetime. It is the card that we most identify with, and through which we have the greatest gifts to share with those around us. It is also called our Sun Card and our Soul Card.

The Seven of Clubs Person

The Card of Spiritual Knowledge

    All Sevens are highly spiritual cards but it is up to the individual to manifest this spirituality and to turn negativity into accomplishment. The Seven of Clubs challenge rests in the negative aspects of the mind which are worry, doubt and pessimism. They have much inherent inspiration and insight, but when they don't follow it, Saturn's influence brings much despair and sometimes depression. They have power to overcome their problems and to attain the fame and recognition they secretly desire, but they must apply themselves diligently.

    They are likely to have large sums of money at different times in their life, but often they spend it as fast as they get it. They are not the best money managers. All their difficulties in life can be traced directly to their thoughts. So the Seven of Clubs, more than any other card, has a great responsibility to maintain positive, healthy thoughts. Any contact with spiritual thoughts or ideals is sure to have a positive effect on them and is highly recommended.

    Developing honesty and integrity is part of the Seven of Clubs challenge. If they let their desire for success override their integrity they will suffer, especially in the areas of love and family.

Some of the Seven of Clubs Issues Concerning Relationships

    The Seven of Clubs person has neither bad nor good karma in the area of love. The true story of their love life comes as a result of how they handle the other areas of their life. The good news is that if they apply themselves, they have more chances than any other card in the deck to attain mastery of their emotions and romantic involvement's.

    They have some karma to be sure, and sometimes this karma may be reflected in learning to let go of personal attachments to others or in creating a positive attitude about their partner as well as the rest of their life. They always operate better if they are married and will sooner or later make that commitment and be increased by it.

    If they do attain the fame they seek, they are more tempted with indecision in their personal life and in the choice of a mate. This can often result in remarriage.

All about Lucy's Planetary Ruling Card

Jack of Clubs as Your Planetary Ruler

The Planetary Ruling Card acts like a second Birth Card to give you a new slant on your personality and character traits. It is very important in terms of your personal relationships since it represents a part of you that you identify with strongly.

    This ruling card gives you an eternally youthful quality. You love to have fun and have many creative ideas about how to do just that. Your creativity also extends into your work where you have entrepreneurial abilities. You have the ability to make a lot of money with your ideas, as long as you are willing to do the work. Your mind is quick and resourceful, but often stubborn and resistant to change. You may also be prone to make up stories to cover up what you are really doing. You are a great story-teller. You may appear to be somewhat 'asexual' or might even be bisexual because this card is one of progressed attitudes about love and sex. Personal freedom is important to you, and for your relationships. You probably wouldn't enjoy being 'bound up' by someone.

All about Rob's Birth Card

Our Birth Card is our most important symbol of who we are in this lifetime. It is the card that we most identify with, and through which we have the greatest gifts to share with those around us. It is also called our Sun Card and our Soul Card.

The Five of Diamonds Person

The Salesperson Card

    This card has its share of challenges and its share of gifts. Like all Fives, they dislike routine and abhor anything that pretends to limit their freedom or put them in a box. They can be perpetual wanderers, never settling down for anything long enough to make it pay off. This includes their work and relationships. All Five of Diamonds have an inner restlessness, but they also want to accomplish something of value and stability in their lives. Often these two conflict with each other and it is a trick for them to find a career that gives them both. For many, sales is the work of choice. They can relate to people on all levels and this gives them great success in this area.

R. J. STEWART: "I wrote the pilot. The character was created on HERCULES: THE LEGENDARY JOURNEYS. John Schulian wrote the character, Xena, for HERCULES. Rob Tapert [creator and executive producer of XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS] wrote a bible for the series and the story for the first Xena episode. They sent me the episodes of HERCULES that Xena had appeared in. I was brought in and asked to write the pilot, create the character of Gabrielle and the relationship, and basically make a good Xena because she had been a bad girl on HERCULES. So yes, I was one of the creators, but you have got to give [John] Schulian credit for making up the character and Rob for selling the series idea to Universal. Rob also created many of the elements that make Xena special."

    There are likely to be financial losses in their life and situations where their kind-hearted nature costs them a great deal. Being closely associated with the Nine of Diamonds card makes them very giving people and tells us that there are outstanding debts to be paid in this life from the past. These people are givers and love to share their resources with their family and close friends.

    They are inherently spiritual and know what is of true value. The challenge comes in practicing what they know. They come into this life with a certain amount of karma which often takes considerable hard work to discharge. If they are lazy, there will be many problems. They must practice what they know and do what it takes to get the job done without shirking responsibility. If they align themselves with a higher purpose or ideal, they can become the creators of their destiny and have much more success and fulfillment. Such a strong Neptune influence creates a desire to help others as part of the life's work. If this Neptunian vision is used only to pursue their own personal desires and fantasies, it always backfires and brings pain and suffering.

Some of the Five of Diamonds Issues Concerning Relationships

    These people are restless and changeable - often averse to commitment and for these reasons, many of them have difficulty in making a relationship work for an extended time period. They are attracted to those of wit and creativity and they themselves can be quite charming, but also calculating and crafty when it comes to love. In many cases, love is a mental game to them and many of them lose sight of their feelings as they get wrapped up in their analysis of love. They can be very sneaky and dishonest in this area if they choose to. At the same time, contact with books and other knowledge material about love and relationships always has a tremendous impact on them and brings them up to a higher level and more happiness.

    The whole concept of marriage and the yearning for intimacy that love requires is a major challenge for them, one that they are sure to deal with a lot during the course of their life. Being a Five they don't want to return to the confinement of the "box" that marriage can represent. They want to explore and be adventurous.

The Planetary Ruling Card acts like a second Birth Card to give you a new slant on your personality and character traits. It is very important in terms of your personal relationships since it represents a part of you that you identify with strongly.

Jack of Clubs as Your Planetary Ruler

    This ruling card gives you an eternally youthful quality. You love to have fun and have many creative ideas about how to do just that. Your creativity also extends into your work where you have entrepreneurial abilities. You have the ability to make a lot of money with your ideas, as long as you are willing to do the work. Your mind is quick and resourceful, but often stubborn and resistant to change. You may also be prone to make up stories to cover up what you are really doing. You are a great story-teller. You may appear to be somewhat 'asexual' or might even be bisexual because this card is one of progressed attitudes about love and sex. Personal freedom is important to you, and for your relationships. You probably wouldn't enjoy being 'bound up' by someone.

All about the Love Connections Your Share

Look at each connection between you as a cosmic link that connects each of you to some part of yourself that you want to look at, develop or explore in some way. Your partner is your mirror into your own soul.

    This report uses the most advanced techniques available to give some real insight into the inner workings of your relationship. Using the ancient system, now known as the Book of Destiny, it determines the energy 'connections' that reflect exactly how the two of you interact. These connections are essentially described as planetary energies, for example Mars or Venus. Some connections are harmonious, while others create certain kinds of friction or stress between you. All of the connections between you serve an important purpose and contribute to the experience that you share. Keep in mind that most connections have a higher expression and a lower one. The affirmations given for each connection indicate how to access the highest expression of each one.

    The connections are listed in the order of their importance. The first connection is the most important and the second is the next important, etc. But even the last connection between you probably manifests itself in your experience together. Therefore, regard all of them as having some important information for you.

    You may have only a few connections, two or three, or you may have as many as fourteen. Each couple has a unique number and kinds of connections - as unique as the love and feelings they share for each other.

    Look to see if you have more than one kind of connection between you. For example, you may have a total of two or three Mars connections between you. When this is the case, you should study these connections carefully, realizing that this probably indicates some of the most important reasons that you are together and the issues that you most often face together.

    Finally, there are no bad connections. If we are attracted to someone so much that we spend time with them, there are important reasons for this. The descriptions of the connections in this report can help you understand why you have made the choice to be together, which can in turn help each of you to understand your individual personalities and needs better. Of course, some connections indicate stress and challenge, but this is because we often use relationships as the vehicle through which we resolve our own inner conflicts. If the love is there, there are many good things for each of you to gain from being together.

The First Connection Between You

Lucy and Rob share a common Planetary Ruling Card

    This connection guarantees that Lucy and Rob have a lot in common, regardless of the fact that their Birth Cards and birthdays may be quite different. Because their Planetary Ruling Cards match, they do have some essential qualities in common, and thus have a greater chance for success in an intimate or long-term relationship. Though it is important to look at all the factors in a relationship, including the other connections present before making any final determination, it is a fact that many successful marriages have this connection and it is one of the traditional marriage connections.

    There is a sense of sameness that Lucy and Rob experience with each other that feels very comfortable and peaceful. There is a feeling that they are both going in the same direction or have similar values. Though they may not be able to tell specifically what it is, there is an important and deep connection between them that encourages them to be together and to support each other in positive ways. Each feels encouraged by the other, encouraged to be themselves and to express their unique character traits. At the same time, they feel they have so much in common that they could spend the rest of their life together.

    This connection is often found among couples who share common working goals or dreams. It can also be applied, in a positive way, towards plans for a family, or whatever future Lucy and Rob may have thought about. There is often a sense of common purpose which can be a wonderful unifying quality in a personal relationship.

    At the same time, this connection makes it relatively easy to get along and to be together. It is likely that Lucy and Rob have a lot in common in a day to day sense as well. They may like the same kinds of things, enjoy the same friends or social structures, or find pleasure in the many other similarities they find in each other.

    With so many good characteristics associated with this connection, it is not surprising that so many successful relationships have it. The fact that Lucy and Rob have each found someone to whom they are so well connected is an indicator that they could be ready for a long-term commitment of some sort. It is actually a sign of good fortune to attract such a partner. Unless other connections between them are drastically different than this, it is possible that this relationship is the one, for both of them.

Affirmation for Lucy: I appreciate the deep connection I have with Rob and cultivate this good energy by telling his just how important he is to me. I am enjoying watching our relationship develop as we each achieve our dreams and desires.

Affirmation for Rob: I am grateful for the many things that Lucy and I have in common and I am consciously developing our relationship by focusing my attention on these areas in a positive way.

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. But each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

The Second Connection Between You

Lucy is the Moon Card to Rob

Location: Life Spread

    Of all the connections that exist among the cards in the deck, the Moon connection is probably the single most powerful one when it comes to decisions about long term commitments. When someone is our Moon card, we feel very close and comfortable with them.

    In this relationship, Lucy is a Moon Card influence to Rob. Her presence in Rob's life is like a healing balm that soothes him. She provides Rob with nurturing support and a sense of foundation, security, home and settledness. Rob, on the other hand, brings many good things into Lucy's life. He brings new ideas, fresh perspectives, new information, a broadening of experience and important direction for the relationship. In this relationship Lucy and Rob have a strong communication link. This makes it easy for them to share ideas, thoughts and feelings and makes this one of the highest connections that exists for overall compatibility. Whether they realize it or not, Rob is the so-called 'leader' of this relationship. That is the nature of being the Sun Card in a Sun/Moon relationship.

    When we envision the ideal male/female relationship, a symbol that comes to mind is the Sun and Moon. One rules the day, the other, the night. One is fire and the other water. Together they balance each other out and fulfill each other's vacant spots. The Sun warms the water (Moon) and the water cools the Sun. This is the most ideal connection for a couple who have these essential male and female qualities and nearly guarantees the success of the relationship. Thus, it is not surprising how many successful marriages are based upon this important connection.

    Keep in mind though, that this connection only supports partners who are willing to play the Sun and Moon roles. Some Sun/Moon relationships have ended unsuccessfully because one or both of the partners was unwilling or unable to play the role dictated by this connection. What this means for this relationship is that if Lucy is not willing to be the supportive, nurturing person in this relationship, or if she is unwilling to take the back seat to Rob in key situations, this relationship may not last. Likewise, if Rob is unwilling to provide leadership, perhaps because he doesn't have any clear direction for his life, then the same result is likely.

    However, when two people become involved with this connection they are usually willing to play these roles. On a basic energy level, the roles are demanded of them and usually dictates how they are together. When Lucy and Rob are harmonizing themselves with these roles, much happiness and satisfaction is the result. This is a relationship that could easily last a lifetime. There just is no better connection for compatibility and long-term harmony.

Affirmation for Lucy: I am very grateful for Rob's presence in my life. He is a breath of fresh air that is always bringing me new and wonderful things. I love our communication together and enjoy being Rob's support person. It feels natural to give of myself in this way.

Affirmation for Rob: I am grateful for the presence of Lucy in my life. I feel that I have found a perfect partner that supports me in the directions that I feel are important in my life. I appreciate all the wonderful things that she does for me and our easy and natural communications.

The Third Connection Between You

Lucy is the Venus Card to Rob

Location: Life Spread

    This is a wonderful connection for any kind of relationship and guarantees that Lucy and Rob can be good friends at the very least. The fact is that they both have a lot in common. This gives them many things that they can share and do together. It is a wonderful sign of compatibility and adds a lot to the potential of this relationship to be successful.

    In particular, Rob just adores Lucy. Even though he may get mad at her at times or irritated by things she does or says, there is an underlying current of love that is always there that Rob can tap into and experience at any time. This essential compatibility helps them be 'friends first, everything else second' in their relationship. This 'friends first' attitude will help them when conflicts arise. It will allow them to let go of personal demands in order to be a friend to their partner. This can have a powerful positive effect on the relationship and allow them to resolve difficulties in a relatively short amount of time.

    It is also very likely that Lucy and Rob have a similar, if not the very same, set of values. This means that they give importance to similar things in life. They may have similar life goals or directions, or merely like the same kinds of pleasures.

    This is also a pleasure aspect. Sexually, Lucy and Rob should be very compatible. They will enjoy similar experiences and have similar likes and dislikes. This makes their time together more enjoyable and gives them many options and possibilities of things to do together.

    Put all of this together and we can see that Lucy and Rob have very good chances of success as a couple. Unless other connections between them conflict heavily, this one connection alone can be a guarantee of high compatibility. To get the most out of this connection, Lucy and Rob only need to remind themselves from time to time of all the wonderful things they share and focus on those things.

Affirmation for Lucy: I love being with Rob, with whom I have so much in common, and enjoy being appreciated so much by him. I think we could spend our entire life together.

Affirmation for Rob: I appreciate all that Lucy and I have in common. It is the many things that we share that make our life together so enjoyable. I tell Lucy just how grateful I am for her presence in my life.

The Fourth Connection Between You

Rob is the Neptune Card to Lucy

Location: Spiritual Spread

    This is the strongest psychic connection that two people can have. It is a psychic link that exists because the two people in this relationship shared a past life together in which there was a lot of attention placed upon the idealism of their being together. They could have easily been co-members of some religious or spiritual fellowship, sharing the same beliefs and religious practices. They probably had the same goals of helping humanity or of spiritual attainment in that lifetime. In this lifetime they come together with a strong spiritual and psychic bond that is often difficult for them to describe.

    What is interesting is that in the current lifetime, neither one of them may even have any interest in spiritual matters. When this is the case, we usually observe that their relationship instead has a lot of idealism and fantasy involved in it. This would be especially true if this connection is one of the first between them. Lucy is the primary receiver of this Neptune energy and so she is the one who is more likely to have ideals and fantasies about Rob and their relationship. Indeed, one of the reasons for their being together may be for Lucy to learn the difference between dreams and reality. We all have some unfulfilled soul-level fantasies that are strongly stimulated when we meet someone who is our Neptune Card. It is through these relationships that we get a chance to experience the pros and cons of these kinds of energies and just how our dreams and ideals work themselves out in this material world.

    For this reason, this connection could add a very positive element to this relationship or it could be the cause of a lot of confusion and disappointment.

    If Lucy projects many of her fantasies and unfulfilled desires onto him, Rob could feel as though she does not love the real him, only her projections. This could make Rob tire of this relationship as he is not being loved for who he is really is. Or, he could use the fact that Lucy is somewhat deceiving herself to take advantage of her weakness and go along with the deception in order to get things from her that he wants. These are some of the more common, negative expressions of the Neptune connection.

    The positive expressions of this connection are great, wonderful and unusual romantic beginnings, inspiration in being together, an incredible psychic link to each other and romantic feelings that never die. On the spiritual level, Rob and Lucy may feel as though they have a special purpose in being together, one in which they will help the world in some significant way. To keep this relationship on the positive side, Rob and Lucy only need to have an awareness of all the manifestations, both positive and negative. By just being aware, they will always have a choice in how they want this connection to add to their lives together.

Affirmation for Rob: I realize the unusual power I hold over Lucy and consciously direct our activities together in positive directions. I realize that I may not be all of what she thinks I am, but I am encouraged by her seeing the highest in me. She inspires me to reach my full potential and for this I am grateful.

Affirmation for Lucy: Rob reveals to me my deepest dreams and desires and in many ways he fulfills them. I use his influence to inspire me to do my best and to reach my fullest potential. I am grateful for Rob's presence in my life.

The Fifth Connection Between You

Rob is the Mars Card to Lucy (Note that Lucy is also Mars Card to Rob in Seventh Connection)

Location: Life Spread

    Rob has a definite impact on Lucy in this relationship. He has a way of making Lucy feel stimulated. Often this stimulation can be of a sexual nature. For this reason, the Mars connection is often a deciding factor in our choice of partners. There is no doubt that Lucy was or is attracted to Rob on this level. She may enjoy this energetic connection or, at other times, be annoyed by it. If Lucy sometimes gets mad at Rob, this is because Mars energy can be destructive at times if not harnessed and channeled into positive pursuits. The things that turn Lucy on may also be the same things which anger her at other times. This is how Mars energy works with everyone. It is a fact that the relationships we desire the most are usually the ones that can stimulate the most hostility at other times. When Mars energy is not used constructively it can result in fighting, resentment, hostility and in some cases, all out war.

    But Lucy can use this information and consciously transform the often negative effects of this Mars connection into positive directions. It is not that difficult to keep a Mars relationship healthy. It just requires some awareness and thoughtfulness. Rob can actually be a catalyst to get her out of the house and doing things. To give this powerful Mars energy something constructive to do, it is recommended that Rob and Lucy go outside and do things together, or at the very least, find something productive to do together with this energy. Couples with this connection usually go walking, hiking, jogging, riding bicycles or participate in other forms of physical exertion. All of these and others serve to exhaust the Mars energy and satisfy it. When they do these sorts of activities together, they will always notice that they feel better, both personally and about each other, afterwards.

    If Rob and Lucy have any desire to work together, they have found the perfect partner to do it with. Many successful working partnerships have this valuable Mars connection. But even in this case, Lucy should be on the lookout for the anger and competitive sides of this influence.

    Because Lucy is the one who is on the receiving end of this powerful Martian force, it is likely that she has 'anger issues' to work out that are stimulated by Rob's presence in her life. It may appear that Rob seems intent on doing things that make her mad, even without knowing it. If Rob realizes this, he will be less likely to take offense at her reactions and words. In fact, Rob is probably not doing any of the things that Lucy thinks he is doing. This connection tells us that Lucy is the one who is the most influenced by this connection, and so she is also the one who bears the greatest responsibility for dealing with the emotions that are associated with it. If there are other Mars connections between them, this becomes even more important. Anger is actually a mistaken belief that others are intentionally disregarding us or trying to hurt us in some way. This 'misbelief' can be dismantled with awareness of what is going on and maintaining good communications.

    This connection provides a lot of the spark and magic in this relationship. If Rob and Lucy use it with care, it can bring them much of what they want out of life. Any negative manifestations of this powerful energy can be controlled and eliminated through conscious awareness and when this is the case, it becomes like a genie in a bottle who can grant them all their wishes.

Affirmation for Rob: I am aware of how much I stimulate Lucy and understand her feelings. With this awareness I consciously guide my actions and help us both by encouraging positive outlets for this powerful energy we share.

Affirmation for Lucy: I accept Rob as a powerful stimulus in my life and choose to take responsibility for my own emotional reactions to him. With his help, I am diffusing my own anger and channeling my energy into positive directions.

The Sixth Connection Between You

Rob is the Jupiter Card to Lucy

Location: Spiritual Spread

    This is one of the past-life or 'earned' connections, and it happens to be one of the better ones in terms of what it brings into the lives of Rob and Lucy. This particular connection indicates that Rob and Lucy shared a past life where they held the same spiritual or philosophical views. There is a strong possibility that during that lifetime, these philosophies and beliefs were a major theme in their life. Perhaps they were members of a religious group, or somehow entered into a life of spiritual disciplines and study. This lifetime had a powerful and enlightening influence upon both of them, revealing many truths about life and the laws of the universe that they still draw upon for guidance and direction.

    Now that they have found each other, Rob and Lucy are reminded of the connection they once had. By being together, many positive results are manifesting in their lives. Rob enjoys being the giver in this relationship and he will give everything that he can to Lucy as a natural expression of his love for her. He will provide guidance and inspiration when it is needed and will act as a reminder of the high level of truth and integrity that they once shared.

    This connection is about truth and integrity, but it is also about giving, prosperity and abundance. Lucy is the one who receives most of these benefits because she is on the receiving end of this connection. Rob also benefits because giving is in reality another form of receiving. Rob and Lucy have a natural inclination to give to each other and if this giving and receiving is allowed to grow and be appreciated, it can grow into one of the most important cornerstones of their relationship. It has the potential to fulfill many of their dreams and desires by attracting opportunities, good relationships and things into their lives.

    In particular it is up to Lucy to stimulate this potential by practicing the art of appreciation for the many good things she shares with Rob. Appreciation is one of the magical keys to prosperity, one that could unlock the door to her most cherished desires. When the natural giving that Rob does is complimented by Lucy's felt and expressed appreciation, it generates a potent energy that attracts many good things into their lives.

    Many couples who have this connection end up quite well off financially and they seem to be 'lucky' by most standards. This so-called luck is not really by chance though. It is a natural outcome of the right frame of mind. With such a fortunate connection between them, Rob and Lucy have a lot going in the right direction for a happy and prosperous future. Even if it is not intentionally cultivated, this connection will definitely bring many good things into their lives.

Affirmation for Rob: I am glad to be a blessing in Lucy's life and hope that I can give her all that I have to give. I allow myself to express my generosity in its fullest with no expectation that Lucy must act in any particular way as payment for my giving. My giving is complete in and of itself.

Affirmation for Lucy: I am grateful for the presence of Rob in my life. I accept all the good things that he brings into my life and respond with appreciation and gratitude. In this way I multiply my blessings and transform our relationship into a powerful force for prosperity, peace and abundance.

The Seventh Connection Between You

Lucy is the Mars Card to Rob (Note that Rob is also Mars Card to Lucy in Fifth Connection)

Location: Spiritual Spread

    This is one of those 'instant recognition', past-life connections that is responsible for many marriages and friendships. This connection tells us that Lucy and Rob have shared some past lives together. In one of those lifetimes they developed a strong Martian energy between them, which in this lifetime seeks resolution. Now, in this lifetime, there is a strong likelihood that Lucy and Rob will feel some sort of familiarity when they meet, and there could be a strong attraction that draws them together. Martian energy is either passionate and aggressive or competitive and hostile. Often it is a curious mixture of the passion and hostile energies.

    In particular, Lucy is a strong stimulant to Rob. She will either excite him, make him angry or both. Martian energy is power that must be managed and handled consciously if it is to create positive results in our lives. Therefore, Rob will have a great responsibility to channel this energy into positive activities. Lovemaking is a wonderful outlet for this energy and there is no doubt that passion exists for this couple. In many cases, this connection exists between a couple who had unfulfilled passion for each other from the past life in question. It was an unconsummated love that for whatever reason, was never allowed to run full circle. Now, when they meet in this lifetime, the passion is right there, as if it had just been waiting for them to meet to be realized. 'Lust at first sight' might describe it quite well.

    But there is an equal possibility that Lucy and Rob were involved in some other sort of relationship in that lifetime which resulted in unresolved feelings of anger or hostility. If this is the case, the two of them will have to work on correcting this because any hostility we feel for another will have to eventually be transformed into love. Other connections between Lucy and Rob may reveal whether or not this is the case. But they will probably already know the answer to this question from their personal feelings about each other.

    Regardless of the reason for their getting together, in the here and now they will have to come up with a formula to deal with this Mars energy they share. One of the most positive outlets for this energy is to work together. As a matter of fact, most of the couples who have successful working and romantic relationships have one or more strong Mars connections between them. Working together provides a wonderful outlet for all those Martian energies. The energy becomes a blessing in their relationship, inspiring them to be productive and to 'get going'. Other good things to do with Mars energy is to get outside and walk, hike, ride bicycles, jog, and other forms of shared physical exertion. Lucy and Rob will find that engaging in these kinds of activities always brings them closer together and funnels off the competitive and aggressive energies into positive pursuits.

    When there are Mars connections, regardless of what else exists between two people, we know that there are some anger issues to work on in the context of their being together. In this relationship, Rob is probably the one who allows Lucy to anger him. Because Lucy is his Mars Card, he is the one who is reacting to Lucy as a Mars influence. He also bears the greater responsibility for this anger or competitiveness when it comes up. The trick to dealing with anger issues effectively is to realize that rarely do people do or say things to make us mad on purpose. It is often our interpretation of their actions or words that makes us angry. This is the challenge for Rob and he probably chose Lucy to have the opportunity to work on this.

    In conclusion, this relationship provides a powerful stimulus for both partners, even though Rob may be affected a little more since he is the one receiving most of the Mars energy. If Lucy and Rob take this energy and put it to work they can benefit from the constructive activities it inspires. They probably were attracted to each other because on some level they wanted to get their lives going in a positive direction. With so much energy at their disposal, there is much they can accomplish, as long as they keep it well-managed and directed.

Affirmation for Lucy: I am aware of how much I stimulate Rob and understand his feelings. With this awareness I consciously guide my actions and help us both by encouraging positive outlets for this powerful energy we share.

Affirmation for Rob: I accept Lucy as a powerful stimulus in my life and choose to take responsibility for my own emotional reactions to her. With her help, I am diffusing my own anger and channeling my energy into positive directions.

The Eighth Connection Between You

Lucy is the Cosmic Lesson Card to Rob

Location: Spiritual Spread

    From a past life of being together, Lucy has returned to Rob in order to play an important role in his life. This role will help him find himself and his life's work if he is looking for these answers. This represents a karmic debt that Lucy must repay in order to fulfill her own aspirations. Somehow, Lucy will be able to help Rob realize his highest potential. At the least, Lucy's presence in his life will act as a sign to point him in the right direction, a direction where Rob may fulfill his obligation to the world and make a valuable contribution through his efforts.

    On a personal level, this connection has little, if any, influence. It may not affect the feelings they have for each other unless the subject of Rob's most important issues revolve around his purpose and career. In that case, Lucy may find herself reminding him of how he can improve himself, or of what things he can do to get more success in the areas to which he is striving. If this happens, Rob may react with gratitude or with resistance, and this could play an impact on just how they get along with each other. The more important these issues are for Rob, the more this connection will affect the relationship. But, in most cases, the reminder is more of a subtle nature, and doesn't manifest in any sort of personal confrontation between the partners.

    To the degree that Rob is aware of his own personal need to play some important role in his life, he will find Lucy to be a helpful influence in this regard. She may even be doing the kind of work that he is wanting to do, or is destined to do. They may be able to share this work. In other cases, Rob may not be career-minded at all and Lucy merely serves to remind him of characteristics that will help him fulfill whatever roles he is playing in his life more effectively. There is definitely an implied student/teacher relationship here, though it is not necessary for either Lucy or Rob to be aware of it. However, Lucy's presence is a lesson to Rob on some level and the more he is aware of this, and then acts upon what he is receiving from her, the sooner Rob will elevate himself in respect to whatever roles he is playing in his life.

Affirmation for Lucy: My awareness of how I am a reminder to Rob of how he can make a valuable contribution in this world reminds me that I am an important influence in his life. I wish only the best for him and hope that my influence is a positive one in his life.

Affirmation for Rob: I am grateful for the presence of Lucy in my life. She reminds me of what I can do and become in a way that inspires me to my highest potential.


Except for quotes cited from Whoosh! articles, All Text Above Copyright 1996 by Robert Camp, author of Love Cards and The Cards of Your Destiny.

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