Random RANTs


It is my firm intention, as of right now anyways, to dedicate this page to all the things and people that annoy, irritate,vex, irk, bother, or just plain piss me off! Hopefully, I'm not as much of a freak as I think, and other people out there are bugged by some of the same things. To give you some sort of idea what it is I'm talking about here are some of the things that really get me ranting & raving:

  • Stupid Customers – Everybody knows them, they're loud, they're proud, and they're ignorant!
  • Whiny Co-workers – Woe is me; I do all the work around here, all by myself, no help from anybody else!
  • The Style-Impaired – People with no style are far more appealing than those who only think they have style...
  • Job Seekers – It used to be that businesses received a dozen or so resumés a day. Nowadays, a good week might bring five, and it seems that more and more job seekers are idiots. No, not all of them are, but a seemingly increasing number seem to be clueless.
  • Americentricism – (I am not afraid to invent my own words) The point is this: you are not the only country on the planet, not the biggest, not the best, not the most important, not even very interesting...*

Anybody out there got any customer/co-worker/style rants you want to share? Send them to me if you want, the_embittered_one@yahoo.co.uk.

As you can probably see quite clearly, this is my first ever attempt to do any web page creation. I have my snazzy little iMac and Adobe PageMill 3.0, and I just sat down last night and started typing away. I have some basic design knowledge (print, that is), but I haven't got the first clue what I'm doing here, so just bear with me as I figure it all out.

*Mandatory Disclaimer –I guess I had better explain that my beef here is not with individual Americans (well, no more so than individuals of any sort), but rather with the society as a whole.

Customer Rants

Co-Worker Rants