Welcome to my Guestbook! The way this world seems to work is that if you don't actively support things you like, they go away. So, if you came here to read what others had to say, while you still had a strong, unvoiced opinion, please go back an write a comment. Thanks. (Exit? Click below on My Home Page)

Fanfic recommender#5 - 12/06/00 05:23:15
My Email:tombrdr@earthlink.net

Missed the darn train again! The fan fic is still as great as ever. Just had to read it another time. See ya around the Bronze sometime.

joe the owl - 07/19/00 01:06:52
My Email:joetheowl@hotmail.com

Hi, I guess you are the Maverick that posts on the Bronze board. If not, you must have no idea what I am talking about. You asked if Jennifer Grey had a nose job. About a year or 2 ago, she hit all the talk shows talking about her nose job. After Dirty Dancing she went for a few years with very little work. She felt that her appearance esp her nose might have been the reason (that's what she sez. I like her very much with or without the surgery). She ended up drastically changing her appearance as a result and was not prepared for not being recognized at all by old boyfriends. When she said she was Jennifer Grey, some people said, no you're not. She mentions the nose job on the premiere ep of "it's like ya know" and there was an ep where her real life dad Joel Grey guest starred and did not recognize her. I think that she may have lost some weight though in Hollywood, "fat" means 5 lbs overwt. In real life it means 100 lbs overwt. I have always thought she was of normal wt.

Wendi - 03/26/00 21:16:24
My Email:Wendi_B@tinyworld.co.uk
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: I'll probably have missed it
and travels west an average of 30: It'll be too slow
mph for six hours, what time: and take too damn long!
will it be in the caboose?: time for another screwdriver, no ice.

Only read clips of the Buffy-based stuff (downloaded so I could read them in full) but what I've seen seems totally in the spirit of the two series shown so far over here (UK). I'm immensely grateful that you used so much of Spike in both series. (LOVE James Marsters!) I'm in the process of building my own site & will *definitely* be recommending your stuff. Keep up the good work! Wx

Kansas - 02/16/00 22:37:25
My Email:gdbannister@ameritech.net
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: Beats
and travels west an average of 30: the
mph for six hours, what time: hell
will it be in the caboose?: outta me.

Maverick! Where ye been, lad? I'm almost finished with "Spike and Dru Pt. II" and am very impressed. The plot is tightly constructed and suspenseful. The scenes with Spike and Dru (and Spike without Dru) are touching, as is the scene in which Buffy sees Angel's inner demon. I have a couple of critical points, of course: 1) The crucial scene in which the London mother curses Drusilla was too wordy. It would have been more effective if you'd pared her speech down to the bone. 2) Watch the Americanisms. Present-day Brits will use "OK" in conversation because they've been exposed to American media, but they would not have done so in the 1860's. In all, I'd be proud to be a "Maverick fanfic recommender."

dave - 12/09/99 05:50:11
My Email:olddog12@earthlink.net

Finished the fanfic again, I swear it gets better every time I read it. Hope the Muse hits you again,This stuff is great. Your recommender #5

Buffan - 11/22/99 23:50:04

It's great. Looking forward to the continuations. Who knew Joyce and Giles had been doing it the whole time?

tigerduck - 10/31/99 20:17:29
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~magicianmerlin/index.html
My Email:tigerduck@hotmail.com

..sadsong on your page.......but nice ! Love Merlin-visit my page !

elly - 09/11/99 17:22:20
My Email:elly_17@yahoo.com
and travels west an average of 30: don't
mph for six hours, what time: know
will it be in the caboose?: god!!

what's with the question? huh? weird. anyway u'r page is great, maybe needs a little more pics to lighten it up a little. u r lucky u r getting advice from me, cos i'm always right!!! :) take care

Nicola Greenway - 08/28/99 15:20:53
My Email:thegang@5java.freeserve.co.uk

Your site is good but Could you maybe add some sound files lots of them and pictures of Angel.

Candy Kane - 08/16/99 06:07:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/ozcandy/index.html
My Email:candykanes@hotmail.com
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: I'm in New York???
and travels west an average of 30: 30 years??? Oh, MPH...sorry..
mph for six hours, what time: the time? Oh, it's 1:55am on Mav's b-day
will it be in the caboose?: What will be in the caboose? You? Me? Buffy?

Great site! I LOVE your fic and am proud to be a recommender. :) Me want more! :)

Captain Hook - 07/16/99 21:53:01
My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~caphook
My Email:kaptainhook@hotmail.com
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: carrying 12 rednecks
and travels west an average of 30: banjo jiggin
mph for six hours, what time: how much chewin tabacca
will it be in the caboose?: the price of 12 sheep

I dig the site. Its got a cool look. Hook

Achilles Alexas - 06/03/99 04:43:51
My Email:achillesal@aol.com
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: too late
and travels west an average of 30: too slow
mph for six hours, what time: any time
will it be in the caboose?: don't talk dirty

Hey! I just loving reading the comments others have left in guestbooks. Yours helps out. I especially love the computer talk type jargon that people use. It is interesting, kind of like computer ebonics. I wonder if it will change over the years (like slang), or develop a consistency like more technical forms of communication. Only time will tell. Oh, I will try to read some of your fiction (I only ever read your novel and a couple of short stories). Bye. Sincerely, Your nephew

Little Willow - 05/07/99 05:29:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Little__Willow
My Email:willow99@vornet.com
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: I think I can
and travels west an average of 30: I think I can
mph for six hours, what time: I think I can
will it be in the caboose?: All the train talk made me regress to childhood favorite "The Little Engine That Could". Okay, not *my* favorite, but...someone's?

Maverick, your site is now duly bookmarked for future reading pasttime. :) I promise. :) I haven't the time straightaway right now since the play opens (yikes!) one week from tomorrow and my mind is slayed right now... Best wishes with future fic!

Craig - 03/14/99 19:49:26
My Email:DZynSkii@AOL.com

One if it's Long Enough.

DELiver - 02/20/99 04:36:25
My Email:paulus@netmatter.co.uk
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: AM/PM?
and travels west an average of 30: oh no, it's one
mph for six hours, what time: of those questions where
will it be in the caboose?: you don't know the destination

Thanks to ICELORD for pointing me in this direction. Will do some serious reading and comment on what I think - but I'll do it when I have time to do it justice rather than just scanning through it quickly. SEE YA

Pam - 01/13/99 23:17:51
My Email:filmbuff15@aol.com

Hey Maverick. Would tell you that I loved your fanfic but I already did that. Just got done reading it again. Sometimes I even go to your site just to listen to Chris Beck's B/A theme. Still love your story just as much though. See ya.

Icelord - 01/11/99 02:56:29
and travels west an average of 30: 9:00 e.s.t.

Just read Jesus wins at bingo.OUTSTANDING !!!!! #37

Clara Hill - 01/03/99 22:56:52
My URL:http://chll823

Enjoyed the praise you are getting. Glad you have found a place where you can be appreciated for your writing skills. Mother is yelling...have to go. clara

Sachiel - 12/30/98 22:55:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Breakers/6151
My Email:sachiel@innocent.com
will it be in the caboose?: 9:00

I loved Unbecoming! Though you might want to change that bright yellow background. See ya at the PB. Peace, Love, Happiness, & Dolphins~ Sachiel

BC - 12/27/98 05:58:23
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/the_mill/

Like your page, come visit mine.

Matan BUFFYFAN - 12/23/98 09:04:24
My Email:bouganim@actcom.co.il
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: stay in new york

i worship the BTVS show

Meg6 - 12/17/98 01:39:35
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: Oh my
and travels west an average of 30: please
mph for six hours, what time: no
will it be in the caboose?: math!

I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed The Unbecomming episodes a great deal! They were wonderful in every way, especially the way they got me to avoid writing my final papers a little while longer. -Thanks Meg6

Godeater - 12/15/98 10:38:36
My Email:godeater@sprint.ca
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: You should be there by at least 2:30
and travels west an average of 30: You ask them to get this crate moving faster!
mph for six hours, what time: Miller Time?
will it be in the caboose?: Time get the hell out of that loose caboose and up to the dining car for some dinner!

Well, being the First person ever to receive the title of Maverick Fanfic Recommender, I felt it neccessary to come here and show my continuing support. Anyone who has not read the Unbecoming Series should get of their ass and do it already! What's takin so long, for Joss sakes? For all of you who have, go read it again! I did! Still think it's great stuff! If you've read it twice, why not three times? If three times, why not four...? You get the picture! Well that's it! When your done reading Mav's fic, go get some sleep! Things bloody well long! :) Godeater Maverick Fanfic Recommender #1

Karen - 12/13/98 21:44:36
My Email:littlkar@aol.com

Just finiished reading Unbecoming 1 & 2 and had to tell you how really, really good I thought it was. I felt like I was watching an episode of "Buffy" (I wish---this would have made a great one). Excellent work--it had it all. I got the chills when Buffy was talking to Xander in the hospital! Very poignant moment. I spent the weekend off and on reading the story but had to pull myself away every time. Thank you for an enjoyable weekend of "Buffy" and keep em coming. You're a very creative writer.

Karen (KCG) - 12/10/98 22:50:40
My Email:Littlkar@aol.com

Hi again. I just wanted to tell you how much I love the song playing on your home page. I go to your site when I'm working at my desk just to play the song for company (as I am doing now). What is the name of the song & who composed it? (I know-- you probably say somewhere on your site but I haven't had a chance yet to read the stories----can't wait to though. I'll keep you posted on my progress---gotta get back to work. Karen

Karen - 12/07/98 02:22:35
My Email:littlkar@aol.com

Excellent site----Thank you for the Buffy/Angel Love Theme! I really love that even though it makes me sad.

Tara - 12/04/98 04:51:10

Loved it! You have so much detail in your work, facial expressions, lots of emotion. It came alive for me! Keep it up!

Tina - 11/28/98 22:51:00
My Email:fantozzi@butzel.com

Hi Mike, I don't seem to be able to hear your music... but i finally found time to visit you here. I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving!!!

old dog - 11/20/98 05:37:33
My Email:tailifor@webtv.net
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: about 9:00 or the
and travels west an average of 30: same time that it
mph for six hours, what time: is in the locomotive
will it be in the caboose?: :)

As fanfic recommender #5 I must commend you on a great job! I've started 3 or 4 but I just can't get focused. Keep up the good work.

Lil'Tree - 11/17/98 05:20:50
My Email:jeanie@midplains.net

Your fanfic is wonderful! Thank you so much for the rewrite of those eps. So many of us do wish it coulda been that way. See ya in the Bronze.

Clara Hill - 10/28/98 03:19:06
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:chll 823


heather - 10/27/98 04:00:06
My Email:1buffyfan@mailexcite.com
will it be in the caboose?: time to take a nap! :)

well, I started to read the Unbecoming pt 1. So far I like it. I do love the way you show the characters personality in the dialogue. (which, by the way is my fave part of BtVS) I like your page will come back again...

blueronin - 10/27/98 03:35:01
My Email:zulu930@hotmail.com

Your wackiness is refreshing(grin). Gonna bookmark your page and be back for a good lookthrough/readthrough.cya

Gregg @ BASS - 10/15/98 10:15:17
My Email:MPENN62031@AOL

We'd never get to the caboose in six hours since we would still be in the club car eating. Just dropped by to see if I had the address right before work. I'll send this off to Megan at CMU and see if we can generate ome intrest up there.

Rebecca Lynn - 10/12/98 00:41:48

Well, I figured since I am Maverick Fanfic Recommender #2 that I should post something here. In case you are reading this guest book before reading the FANFIC. Do yourself a favor and read it! You won't regret it. Rebecca Lynn

jj - 10/11/98 22:46:32
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: who
and travels west an average of 30: the
mph for six hours, what time: hell
will it be in the caboose?: cares


Maverick - 09/30/98 02:02:19
My Email:feels@hotmail.com
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: i don't know
and travels west an average of 30: " " "

Hey matey it is Mav (from buffy post.board!) man here and your Duel this page was ausome and i cant wait to come back!!!! p.s.i ain't a guy but this is my secret identity!!!

Beldin - 09/29/98 00:29:52
My Email:bronze_beldin@yahoo.com
will it be in the caboose?: time for supper

Good site. I like. Haven't read any fanfic yet (yours or anyone elses). I'm bookmarking the site and will be back to read.

Angela - 09/22/98 04:33:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Julie27/angela.html
My Email:vision6@ix.netcom.com
If a train leaves New York at 3:00: wow....something's running on time?
and travels west an average of 30: years? MPH? what??
mph for six hours, what time: midnight...yeah, sure
will it be in the caboose?: better be after BtVS or I'm not on it

Hey Maverick!!! Love the site! Keep up the great work dear! I still am trying to keep your hopes of me and our Webgod alive...LOL!!! Thanks for all the laughs :)

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