prehistoric rat2

Hopefully, you've read of our last adventure. Well, here we go again, only this time, instead of being little kids in 3rd grade, we're actually in high school. It's been so long, we've actually forgotten we had our powers, since we've never used them since then. But one day, we were doing animal studies, and i started thinking of rats. And then, the most embarassing thing of my life happened. I turned into a rat in front of the whole class. I didn't even realize what everyone was screaming about until I looked at my hand. but the funniest thing was; I had furry hands, and claws. Then I realized I had big, flappy ears. I was a rat! And it was good that I was for that time, because everyone had been so frightened, they had run out of the classroom and into the cafeteria. Some weird guy came in and he had a gun. I just hid in my desk. There was a little hole in the bottom of my desk that I stuck my head through to see what was going on. Our teacher was kidnapped! All of the sudden, I started wishing I was human so that I could tell the others what had happened. And there I was, sitting on top of my desk. So I ran into the cafeteria to tell the others. That's when me and my classmates remembered. So we all started thinking of our favorite animals and turning into them. We decided that the girls would turn into eagles and that the boys would turn into armadillos. That way, the armadillos could fly on the eagles' backs. So we went after the teacher and the guy who kidnapped her, flying. We were in luck, because the girls didn't want to dive onto a truck, but the enemy was on a plane. So we flew after them for about three hours. Then, all of a sudden, he landed the plane, just to hop into a truck. That's when we landed, also, and turned into groundhogs. We followed the noise of the truck and dug under the ground so he wouldn't see us. Finally, the truck stopped. We went a little further, and then we realized the truck wasn't moving. We went up and hit solid wood. We were underneath a house. So we decided, since we were all fairly sized, we'd break through the boards. We'd keep bashing them with our heads and break through the boards. And so we did. We went looking for the teacher. Then we saw a vaguely green light. We saw a tube pretty much floating through the air. We jumped in (after we were human, that is) and wound up falling on top of somebody's car. We were in a big city, although none of the buildings looked the same. Then we saw the calandar. it was the year two-million. We had gone forward in time this time. So we all hopped off of the truck (whoever's it was) and started scouting for our teacher. All of the sudden, we saw another tube floating in the air. Out popped our teacher. And this time, there was no Doctor Who. There was no nothing. We were stuck. We actually spent three weeks at that place, when finally, our teacher showed us this tiny little thing that looked like a TV remote control. She pressed a button, and there was another tube, only red this time. We jumped in, and we were home. Luckily, we landed right in our school. And so, there we were. Our teacher had been saved, and we were home. Unfortunately, there was still homework to do.

And that's my story.