Catherine is Love

Now let me speak and share a tale
Of the early and the latter bloom
Of wind and ships of oars and sail
The rain and mist of her perfume
Catherine is Love

When she was young she prayed as me
Our childhood stories now entwine
I fell asleep high in a tree
Let the Angles whisper through this vine
Catherine is Love

In precious blooms of softer curl
Her Heart was bent to see the Queen
She ran away . . . this little girl
A Princess like no other seen
Catherine is Love

This story of a precious wife
A dream of love, my hope and joy
This girl I hold . . . She is my life
She spreads her wings about this boy
Catherine is Love

This Queen that I have found in bloom
So sweetly smiling grand at me
Has made a choice that I her groom
Receive her kiss of evergreen
Catherine is Love

She sets the breeze of summer wind
That whispers gently all her thoughts
To save a man who once had sinned
To conquer all his battles fought
Catherine is Love

With milk, this precious Jewel, my dove
Did nourish as a mother’s part
Within her winged flight of love
She breathed in life to heal my heart
Catherine is Love

No man deserves what I have touched
Yet how will we, apart from God
Be kissed of Mercies Sword that’s clutched
Within this field of all that trod
Catherine is Love

She learned while watching or’e the sea
Of calm and peaceful rolling waves
As God within her tenderly
Gave living words with hope that saves
Catherine is Love

She is that good girl, look and see
All truth she shares in words of bold
With healing in her wings for me
That I may follow she that’s told
Catherine is Love

To lift the weak . . . Compassion’s Reign
‘Tis she, this vessel sent of God
Her bloom’s infused of love and pain
Her wellspring flows to be His rod
Catherine is Love

For she has breathed out living words
Our Father had instilled to come
To this one man who watches birds
To understand where all is from
Catherine is Love

She sees beyond the realm at hand
Like depths beyond the eyes that speak
Her soul in Jesus understands
The path that guides to lift the weak
Catherine is Love


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