The Princess and the Knight

The dedication and the visual art for this work is still in the making, and will be of a grand unveiling, a truly beautiful story filled with all intrigue. This will be one of the finest of all my gifts to share. Though seeming of days gone by, those who helped inspire and create this art of that unseen realm, are very much real and alive in this present age and are bringing back
. . . The Days of Old . . .
He was her Prince, her shining Knight
 He came so near her window's ledge
  Beneath a moon of star kissed light
   To whisper of his honored pledge
The Prince Says: The Princess Says:
Await Fair Maiden, Princess . . . Queen
Thy Lady of the finest fruit
No greater flower have I seen
For thee I wear an armored suit

That I may guard thy precious life
And Freedom's Reign may lace thy feet
Then you may walk with me, a wife
Reserved for thee . . . A Royal Seat

To be so ever near thy heart
For countless days of Light to shine
Await . . . my Love, as I depart
I shall return to claim thee mine

As I must go out in the field
For there my Master calls my name
But it is you who oils my Shield
A gift from God . . .'Tis of your fame

At least unto this soul, each breath
Of love and strength I draw from thee
That I will gladly fight till death
To guard my keeper of the key

This heart that was so locked inside
'Twas you that opened up so free
Now every wall of seeming pride
Has tumbled down so joyfully

Thy Love O Princess, God has sent
That of His heart, through thee to shine
Revealing Light . . . His true intent
That we may join our souls with Thine

May I now kiss this hand goodbye
Or shall I say, "until again"
Please do not for me ever cry
Speak now dear Princess, please begin
* * * *
The Princess Says:

My Love, goodnight . . . 'tis only need
Of words from out thy heart to thee
We are of that eternal seed
That hails forever life to be

You claim I hold thy precious key
And if I truly do so bare
It has forever been with me
Awaiting for my Knight to share

What is this love deep in your eyes
As I have only prayed and dreamed
I shan't believe our God denies
Yet I will wait . . . Our love redeemed

For if the Dark should slay thee down
Fear not my journey through the field
This sorrow will be freed of frown
Our destiny with God is sealed

O Knight, thou art my Prince and King
Of all good things thou art to thee
These lips await that they may sing
Of thy return, so patiently
As in this love of thy romance
If only in these words thou make
'Tis more than seems of life's perchance
That trembles all my leaves thy shake

And I will call to God at night
That He shall guard thee with my prayers
And in the early dawn of Light
Each step may be to thee as stairs

To climb this peak of Love's sweet tower
That brings the clouds to be our friends
And they will rain a gift of shower
Please know this with the whispered winds

And they will sing to thee at night
For such a sojourned battlefield
Of Sword and Beast . . . of Truth and Might
I give my love to be thy shield

This fading flesh . . . 'Tis only doom
So tell me now before you go
Of how thou art thy blessed groom
Again please set thy words to flow
* * * *
The Prince Says

I give this heart . . . these words you seek
Of measured Light that He has shown
Through the power of this Love I speak
I am thy Knight and thine alone

Our Love through God will never die
'Tis every secret we shall learn
Then we will mount on wings and fly
When the Beast is fell . . . I shall return
'* * * *

And then the Knight awoke and cried
O thank you God for this I've dreamed
Thy soldiers have so long relied
On gifts of Light that Thou has deemed

O Zion's daughter, Princess . . . Thine
I have but kissed thy soul with Love
This Spirit as a Jewel will shine
Praise God for wings of Heaven's Dove


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