~ Taylor ~

Taylor Martinez was three years old when she was first diagnosed with having bone marrow cancer.  The struggles and pain that this little girl and her parents have had, has been very overwhelming.   “My Princess” and “Thank You” were written from the sharing of this pain,  as Taylor’s Daddy asked me to write the words within his heart, which brings the sharing of two as one.  We all find ourselves at times, broken to a point of depending on each other.  This is our surviving of the times.  Taylor had her bone marrow transplant after a long wait.  If not for this computer age, she would have not made it this far.  She will survive this, as that transplant was a success, but other complications arose afterwards that are keeping her in the hospital still.  More than a year of her life in pain, and she endures it like God’s little soldier girl, so strong she is.  This heartbreaking story, as so many now can relate to, has brought a great many people together in our community, in heart and even from the other side of the world were tears and prayers for healing. . . We ask that they be continued for her and all our children suffering these plagues.   When we reach inside deep to feel the pain of all the children, making it our own pain as one Nation, one body, one heart,  then we may work together as one mindful praying people to witness the healing promised us all.  Praise God for all His miracles, between now and then . . . . .

My Princess

On the day that you were born, I knew
As I held you in my waiting arms
Of my desires to shelter you
And wipe away of all that harms  

Yet in this time . . . Our news of pain
I’m helpless, lost and so afraid
My aching heart, and tears like rain
Are all around the smiles you made  

We watched you grow to all you are
Through in, throughout that little heart
A measure set beyond a star
Your light that’s tearing me apart  

My only comfort seems so sad
This voice that whispers of your name
I am your only hero Dad
These helpless hands compare to shame  

I feel the trembling of your moans
I kiss your inner depth of soul
For the pain that’s deep within your bones
Oh Father help me do my role  

Please hear my cries, these prayers to you
And make my Princess whole again
Whate’er it is that you shall do
So be it soon . . . Thy will begin

Thank You

How can I now repay you all
For everything you gave
To meet our needs when we did fall
My Angel’s life to save  

You reached inside and brought a gift
So humbled I became
If not for all these hearts to lift
We would have been so lame  

I am a man of simple means
Please look inside and see
These words, though few or so is seems
They are the breath of me  

This word of thanks is all I send
I am as rich as gold
To claim you all so close a friend
Now let this truth be told  

The measure of us all as one
As family in the field
Will send the hope that we have won
Our love that we may yield  

I thank you mostly for your prayers
For my Princess . . . On my knees
May we now rise on heaven’s stairs
To end of all disease  

~ God Bless ~


Michael and Charlie

A Special Tribute

To the staff of the Children's Primary Hospital, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the finest child care in the world, thank all of you, especially Irish, who steals the children's hearts. A very special thanks to that one unknown person that donated their bone marrow.  It took more than five million entrees for this great tool to search through before the right match came up, and that name will shine from here to Heaven,  veiled to us now, yet the Angels know you, so God bless you from all of us, for giving this child a second chance, and to all that have given this way.  The lives of so many are affected because of your decision to give of your selves.. 

A special thanks to the lady of my heart, Catherine, who sent prayers around the world into hearts and churches for Taylor.   Catherine was the inspiration for the song I wrote, “Taylor’s Song” soon to be posted on this site for all to hear, the power of sharing round the world. 

. . . God bless you all . . .


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