What Do You See?

As I stare up at the stars,
My thoughts are of you.
I know you are up there somewhere,
And all with you is as it should be.

I see you every night,
But only in my dreams.
From this love I will never be free,
You have taken my heart with you.

I miss the season that we spent together,
It was the only time that I was truly happy.

The leaves change from green to gold,
Fall changes to winter.
And in the twilight of my life,
With my dying thought I wonder....

When you look at the stars at night,
Do you see what I see?
Do you ever look to the sky and think of me,
And of a love that could never be.

Alone In My Room

I sit here alone in my room,
With only the monitor glow to warm me.
I send all my hopes across the keyboard,
Hoping that you can feel how much I care.

The worst times are when I know you are not out there,
"Locate" is becoming by best friend.
I type in your name,
And pray for it to find you.

Then I see the "zero users found",
And my heart sinks.
Because then I have to face the fact,
That I am alone in my room.

The night that I found you was a dream,
And every time we connected after that,
was another spectacular fantasy.
When you are not there,
It is like the dreamer was jolted awake.

I can't explain what is in my heart,
These words are not even close.
There are no expressions to use,
That would describe the joy you give me.

The universe can not be moved or changed,
But for you I would try.
Things that are meant to be,,, will be,
Things that are not meant to be,,, never will.
I only know this.....

When we are together on-line,
for a brief moment or two.
I am not alone anymore,
I am with you.

The song on this page is "The Never Ending Story"... The song is a lot like life...
No matter how dark it becomes,, there is always a tomorrow...
Life is un-ending!
All materials on this page are copywritten, and can not be used or transferred to other sites.
Thank you..
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