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Name :   sara
Comments :   I liked the ones in the museum... Espero ver tambien aqui las de Paris
Name :   Patricia Portugal
Comments :   Love you bro and i really liked the picture with the birds Hope to see you soon your little sis...Patricia
Name :   julien cantillion 4 ever
Comments :   Great just great, i have a look to your pictures exactly the day i discover that my camera was stolen so i can't fight and just say to you continue this way.
Name :   Your big bro
Comments :   What can I say son - you`ve developed quite a talent, the pics look the biz!! Personally the funniest ones are of Faithur and Pearcy looking ready to murder someone, anyone, after the soaking you got in Uchiko!! We`re both looking forward to seeing you n
Name :   gil
Comments :   what a hidden talent you have!!! who could have tought that "superlomaximo" is so superlomaximo. i like it a lot....las fotos son los maximo
Name :   Senhor Cam
Comments :   Nice pics Martin, but where are the stunning images of your space adventure? The world expects...
Name :   lucy Phillips
Comments :   All your photos are great- thanks for letting me have a peek at them ! Lucy
Name :   Tea
Comments :   interesting photos, I'll be passing by
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