I keep thinking to myself...
You must find some more of the Drug....the Drug is the important thing...only with the Drug may you find salvation, life.
Sometimes things happen for a reason, sometimes not. It's almost as if God gets bored with his usual game of chess and decides to bend the rules a little to see what will happen.
I first tried drugs when I was fifteen. There I was, all alone in my room, with the pot that I had gotten off of a friend for two dollars. I lit it, watching the green tinged smoke leave the tip of the joint. As I brought the roll to my mouth, I remembered every JUST SAY NO poster I had seen and all the After School Specials I had watched growing up. Of course, those were flushed and went swirl. I reached a new level that day, some place between heaven and hell but still in my bedroom, still in my brain. But it wasn't until I tried morphine that I lived...
When the needle first pierced my skin, I cherished the stinging feel of that foreign object embedded far down into my flesh. I could feel every single cord in my being, every single blood cell. The coolness creeped from my arm...to my chest...to my head. I lay down on the bed and look over at the others in the room, who were experiencing the same feeling.
Soon, I will be with them, in love with life...
Is this heaven...no it's baseball...
Some people don't know...
Know? How could they?
Upside down crosses and a God that never fails to agree with all you have to say... I wonder why?
Drugs are what they look like...
Catharsis is what they are...
And as always...
I remain...
what more can you ask?
