My Favourite Movie Scenes

As Good As It Gets

I really liked the scene at the end of the film in which
Jack Nicholson says the ultimate compliment to Helen Hunt. I
think a lot of women would do most anything for a man who
uses his brain to make her feel really happy.

Austin Powers

My favourtie scene in this film is when Mike Myers dances in
front of the fembots, causing their heads to explode.


I most enjoyed the scene in which Mr. Bean wrecks the valuable
painting, and shows the curator the face he drew on the painting.

Blazing Saddles

I most enjoyed the scene in which Madeline Kahn sings about how
tired she is, of men.

For Pete's Sake

I liked the scenes in this film in which Barbra Streisand was
chasing her stolen cattle all over town.

Funny Girl

I liked the scene in which Barbra Streisand unexpectedly appears
on the stage as a pregnant bride.

Monte Python's Holy Grail

There are so many unforgettable scenes in this movie, there isn't
enough room on the internet to mention all of them.

Naked Gun 1

I liked the scene in which Leslie Nielsen snook into Ricardo
Montalban's hotel room, and accidentally set it on fire.

Naked Gun 3

I liked the scenes in which Leslie Nielsen took Phil Donahue's
place at the Academy Awards Ceremony.

There's Something About Mary

The best scene I think was the one in which Matt Dillon suddenly
realises that the dog he's been cuddling is dead, and he tries
frantically to bring it back to life.

What's Up Doc?

I liked the scenes in which Ryan O'Neal tries to explain on the
phone to Madeline Kahn why there is a woman's voice in his hotel
room, and later explains why the bathtub is full of bubbles.


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