This is the sequal to While you were on your honeymoon . . .


       Shattered Reflections



By Kimberly with lots of assistance from One Lobo

       "Come in Casey, " Madeline gestured to the chair as the young operative descended the stairs.  His footfalls were heavy, and no expression was on his face.  

       "So, tell me about your training with..." Madeline started cautiously, only to be shut down by Casey's fury.  He sprang to his feet, the force of him rising so quickly sent the chair he had just occupied skittering into the wall across the room.  One of Madeline's hands sought out the panic button beneath her chair bottom, readying herself to push it of this situation became uncontrollable.  Ever since she was attacked and choked unconscious, Operations had insisted that she have an operative posted to reach her in thirty seconds if need be.  

        "Training?  What fucking training?  Kristie and everyone else has been so wrapped up in trying to get that psycho-bitch Alexandra back in here, that she hasn't even been around!"

        "That's a strange way for you to be looking at Alexandra. One could possibly say the same of you and Stephen after your little episode in the hallway."

       "That was all him, and if you don't believe me, I'm willing to review the surveillance that I'm sure you have cataloged on the whole incident!  It was his knee in my back, if you remember correctly!"

       "There is no need to raise your voice to me, and unless you can sit down and converse with me like a rational human-being, I'll be forced to have you removed.  It's your choice."

       Casey held Madeline's cool stare for a moment, then crossed the room to retrieve his chair from it's new resting place.  He placed it quietly on the floor in it's proper position, then sat quietly, waiting on Madeline's next question.  He had no intention of testing this woman, the rumors of her power were not based on speculation.  

       "Now, tell me about what's going on with Kristie.  On what, other than helping bring Alexandra back in, has been holding Kristie's attention?"

       "You mean, besides Stephen?"

       "I believe that they're relationship is over.  That seems to be the consensus from my sources.  She has moved on."

       "Whatever you say Madeline.  And what do those sources tell you about Kristie and David, the masseur?"

       "David and Kristie?  I know that he was heading up her rehab therapy from her leg wound, but she's back on active status, so she's no longer in therapy."

       "Ummm, maybe you should get some new sources Madeline."


       Kristie lay in her cot in her Section quarters, and tried to rest one very tired leg.  The mission to recover Alexandra had come up quickly, and Kristie's return to full status had just began.  Added together, they resulted in pain, that Kristie did not want to report to Madeline.  It was three am, the quietest hour, if there was ever quiet in Section.  Kristie slid out of bed, belted her robe and slipped out of her room, headed for the therapy lab.  A nice long soak in the hot tub would do her leg some good.

       The room was dark, save for small marker lights around the base of the walls.  Kristie made her way to the hot tub that she could hear happily bubbling away in the far corner.  She dipped one hand into the water, hit the floodlight that lit the water from below, and checked the bobbing thermometer.  

        "One hundred and two degrees, mmm, oh yeah, this is gonna be good," she eased her way up the short flight of steps, and swirled one foot into the steamy waves before unbelting her robe, and letting it drop to the floor.  She descended the stairs and lowered herself wholly into the relaxing heat. Grabbing a towel from the pile, she rolled it into a headrest, and shoved it behind her neck, supporting her head and allowing her to fully recline in the 'bed' of the hot tub.  Kristie isolated the jets closest to her sore leg, and turned the others to silent mode.  The tub hummed quietly, lulling her into a doze, her head turning to one side as the pain in her leg subsided.



David had started his morning early, a quick workout to get his heart rate up, and a shower to cool down, before he entered his lab at 3:30 am.  His routine continued, as he made his way to his desk, letting his computer boot up while he relaxed for a moment, gathering his thoughts in the comfort of the dark and readying himself to check his itinerary for the day.  The PC threw off a soft glow, illuminating his desk area and a small amount of the wall to the side.  His eyes still closed; he picked up on the sounds of the hot tub, normally louder in the morning hours, and turned his head to the far corner toward it.  The light was glowing, showing him the darkened outline of a woman's face, turned to the side.  He walked quickly from his chair to the side of the tub, reaching out to turn her face to him so he could identify her.  He nearly fell backward when her hand, lightening quick, exploded from the water to close around his wrist.  Her face turned toward him, and she finally opened her eyes.

"Oh shit, you scared the hell out of me!  How did you know that I was standing here? I know you couldn't hear me walk up, I have sneakers on, and the tub's running too..."

"David, I'm a very light sleeper.  A few months on the run from Red Cell will show you the difference between a good nights sleep, and a bullet in your brain.  Thanks to my friend and yours, Michael, I am also a cold-op now with the skills to kill anyone with my bare hands.  Both of these things add up to equal one thing…don't fuck with me."

"I didn't mean to…" David's face fell, disappointment showing clearly even in the low light afforded them.

Kristie's mouth curved into a grin, eyes softening as she loosened her grip on his wrist to let her hand drift into his.

"David, I'm kidding…man, you take things so seriously!  You really need to loosen up!"

David's eyes sank from her smile toward the water that lapped at the top of her breasts.  

"Maybe you're right, I do need to relax.  A nice soak in that hot tub may do the trick; that is why you're here, right?"  David slid his hand from hers, and turned to the door.  Ten steps later, he was securing it against entry.  He made his way back to the tub, unbuttoning his shirt as he went, pausing in stride long enough to scuff off his shoes, before he continued toward the small staircase.  Kristie's eyes, her night vision sharp, took in all of this, watching as tight abs and broad shoulders came into view.  His hands went to the waistband of his jeans, tugged at the button, and dragged the zipper down.  There was no confusion as to the color of his underwear as Kristie quickly assessed that he wasn't wearing any.  He stopped at the foot of the stairs before sliding the jeans over his hips, the side of the hot tub obscuring Kristie's view, much to her disappointment.  He shoved his socks down and off with the jeans, and began the short climb up the staircase.  Kristie's gaze never left him, or his prominent erection, as he eased into the water beside her.  

David placed his hands on Kristie's shoulders, silently asking her to ease forward in the 'bed'.  She complied, and felt David carefully work himself in behind her, pulling her back to settle into his chest.  Kristie could feel his heart pounding against her back, his manhood pressed against her buttocks and smiled to herself.  It had taken a lot of guts for him to have just done this, and she wasn't about to spoil it with words, witty or not.  She felt David's talented hands caress her shoulders, pressing his thumbs into the ridges of her spine and pushing in and outward in the same movement.  At once, her muscles relaxed, the palms of his hands rotating over the rounded edges of her shoulders.  His fingers dipped lower on each rotation, closer to her breasts, his touch easing up as he approached the more tender flesh.  Kristie let herself lean farther back into his chest, and was rewarded by the feel of his hands fully enclosing each breast, thumbs circling her already hardened nipples.  He continued the caress down her sides, firm fingers stroking each rib before rising to meet on her stomach.  Her contented sigh reached his ears, and that was affirmation enough for him to continue.  One hand dipped between her legs and spread her only slightly, delving one finger into her slippery depths, caressing her clit as he stroked outward.  Kristie's back arched as she involuntary thrust her hips to meet his fingertips.  David was in Heaven.  Here, in his arms, was someone he had thought unattainable.  To hold a woman that was so beautiful and dangerous, who dated men who were her match in looks and skill, and to have that woman respond to him was unbelievable.

Kristie was more than ready, and started snaking her hand behind her back, and between David's legs.  When her hand encircled him, she felt his strong intake of breath, and for a moment, thought it may be over way too soon.  Instead, David's hands left her, only to close around her waist, boosting her up and spinning her toward him in one motion.  Kristie surrendered control for just a moment, wanting to see how far he would take this before he became scared again.  She was still wondering right up until she felt his hard length impale her.  Gasping as she felt him fill her, she settled onto his lap, and sat motionless.  David looked into her eyes, seeing that he had surprised her with his boldness, and was pleased that he was able to do that.  To get that, 'been there, done that', look out of her eyes was but one of his goals.




       Michael walked into Madeline's office with one intent in mind - getting Alexandra out of abeyance.

       Madeline looked over her shoulder at him, a smile touched her lips, but it didn't reach her eye's. Michael could count the number of times he'd seen a genuine smile on Madeline's face on one hand.

       "Why is Alexandra still in abeyance?" Michael replied, "I read the report on Jonathan's debrief. The evidence she produced from his computer system is conclusive."

       Madeline carefully picked out the next stem she was going to prune, "I'm concerned about her motivation. I'm not sure she has the emotional strength to overcome this latest upset. Major components of her life in the last six months have been upset."

       Michael wanted to rip the plant Madeline was pruning off the wall and throw it across the room. Everyone in Section dealt with major lifestyle changes. They lost friends in battle. They offered up the remains of their souls on a daily basis to have them trampled.

       "I think her emotional strength is fine," Michael replied.

       Madeline didn't look at him, "Really - and what are you basing this on?"

       "She's not spending her recovery time staring at the walls in her quarters. She's in Med lab learning field medical techniques because she isn't cleared to do anything else. She told me she was changing her wardrobe because she didn't think anyone would take a level 4 cold op seriously dressed in those hideous boots and miniskirts. This morning she dresses in a long skirt and a blouse - not her previous attire. I don't think emotional stability is a problem."

       Madeline stood back from her plant, "Lets see where she is at the end of her convalescence."

       Michael really wanted to smash the plant on the floor. But instead, he turned, and strode out of the room.

       Madeline walked over to her desk, and asked Birkhoff to send Harold up to her office. Harold was a watcher. In the past, Section had used watchers to keep tabs on their operatives. Now they only reviewed the files of operatives when the need arose.


       Nikita rubbed here eye's. She'd been pouring over Darren and Dante's missions since she'd left for her honeymoon. Section had certainly been a mess for a while apparently. Nikita wondered if Operations hair could possibly turn whiter. Darren had become obsessive about details. That was normal enough for new team leaders. Dante needed to get a better handle on his team. That was also normal with new team leaders, but it was still a problem, a potentially dangerous problem.

       Nikita closed out the files, and went in search of Darren. It was always a good idea to see what wasn't in the mission reports.


       Darren looked up, to see Nikita walking into planning.

       "Hey! Enjoying your first day back in hell?" Darren teased.

       Nikita groaned, "I want a pina colada and warm sand, but I'll survive."

       She sank down into a chair next to Darren, "So tell me what else is going on with you that I am not seeing in the mission reports."

       Darren sat back, "Nothing is wrong, is it?"

       "No," Nikita replied, "I've been out of the loop for two weeks. There is more to  successful missions than the mechanics, and I need to catch up on my gossip."

       Darren laughed, "You heard all about the whole Jonathan thing - right?"

       Nikita nodded, "Read the official report. Michael is working on getting Alex out of abeyance."

       Darren's lip twitched, "She's in abeyance?"

       Nikita nodded, "Not for long. She was placed in abeyance when Carlson didn't show up to be captured. Tell me what else has been going on besides Jonathan and Carlson."

       Darren drew in a steadying breath, "Alex and I are not going to try and work things out, and she's not too hot on the idea of even trying to be friends. We'll be polite of course, but we won't be hanging out. Kristie and Stephen are still on the outs. He and that Casey guy snarl at each other when they pass in the hallway, and Kristie isn't having anything to do either of them. In fact - I think she's kinda seeing that Physical therapy guy - David. Kim's been doing fine. She had a bad turn with her blood sugar one day. Tony's making the rest of us men look bad by being the perfect boyfriend. Walter and Brianna are still happily breathing in gunpowder fumes - not much has changed with them obviously. I've been out a few times with a girl from data - Beth."

        Nikita blinked, "Well, I've missed out on a lot. Tell me about Beth."

       Darren sat back in his chair again, "She's nice. A little shy, very conservative - nothing like Alex. She's Hispanic - and I kinda get the impression she's always been shy. She heard about Alex and I, and she asks about Alex a little, but not much."

       Nikita nodded, "I see . . . and how did Alex react?"

       Darren sighed, "Alex . . . I think Alex has herself convinced she's OK with it, but I don't think she is. But . . . it's kind of a moot point isn't it. She ended it, and she's not willing to reconsider . . ."

       "If she did reconsider, what would you do?" Nikita asked him.

       Darren sighed, "I don't know. I do love Alex, I probably always will, but sometimes I don't know her. Now, I want to hear about the Bahamas."

       Nikita grinned, "We slept late, I shopped until I couldn't stand to shop anymore - I brought you something back, but you have to come to my home to get it, because I wasn't nice to everyone in Section, just my friends.  We stayed in the amazing luxurious suite - private patio with a hot tub, enormous sitting room, bedroom and bathroom - the shower was so big I swear to god you could fit ten people in it! I'm sure I gained a pound a day while I was there - but I had so much fun. It was the best time of my life."

       Darren smiled, "Good, you deserve it, both you and Michael."

       Nikita smiled wistfully, "It was so easy to pretend we were a normal couple with normal lives . . . but then we'd go into some place, and I'd realize we were both scanning the room as we walked in. Some things just become permanent."

       Darren laughed, "I caught myself eyeing all the exits at a burger joint the other day."


       Tony was in the elevator when Beth got on. She managed a small smile, but that was it. She hit the button for the main floor, and the elevator started to rise.

       "Where was it that Darren said we were all going out to dinner at tonight?" Tony asked, trying to make conversation.

       "The North sea," Beth answered softly, "I hope I'm dressed good enough."

       "You look fine," Tony reassured her, "It's not formal - but you look nice."

       Beth had worn plain slacks, a conservative blouse, and flats. She'd worn a little bit of makeup. Tony was a little worried about going to dinner, double date style. Kim almost didn't agree. She didn't like Beth. But Darren was a friend. They were all a little uncomfortable with him dating someone other than Alex. But they'd get used to it eventually, Tony reasoned.


       Alexandra rolled herself out of Walter's munitions station, almost running over Kristie - on purpose.

       "Hey!" Kristie snapped at her, though they both knew Kristie was only teasing, "Where'd you get your license? Cracker jack box?"

       Alexandra laughed, and watched Pepe perk up at the sound of Kristie's voice. He stood up, expecting a scratch from Kristie. Kristie picked up him, held him flipped over on his back like a baby, and scratched him tummy.

       "Spoiled little boy," Kristie said softly, "So what are you gonna do about your hair?"

       Alexandra reached up, and ran a hand through the uneven black locks, "You mean you don't like it? I'm waiting for Section to send me out on a mission as a street rat."

       Kristie shook her head, "So,  you're spending time with Doc Marc - trying to convert him?"

       Alexandra laughed, "Oh no, not I. Besides, that man likes men as much as I do. It's a waste I'm sure - but I gotta respect his wishes. I'm getting my field medic skills brushed up and beyond - since I'm rather . . . limited. Heck, I might need those skill since I'm sure Section has not take me out of abeyance."

       Kristie looked from the dog she held in her arms, down to Alexandra, "You're still in abeyance? why?"

       Alexandra drew in a deep breath, "Don't know. They still haven't canceled Carlson yet either. I'd love to just walk in there, and pull the trigger myself. I'm not sure what's going on though. I'm gonna pick Michael's brain later."

       Kristie glanced up at the glass observation tower, "It's gotta be a head fuck."

       Alexandra nodded, "I'm being tested I'm sure. Ten bucks says they're watching to see what I am doing with myself. This is the real pisser though. I got rid of all my cloths - the short skirts, the crop tops - those boots - I was gonna go shopping when I did it - so now I've got those leather pants, and this skirt."

       "I'll get you some stuff," Kristie told her, "What do you want?"

       "I want to go for the professional look - but nothing with short skirts. Just get me two pairs of  slacks and maybe some polo shirts for now - oh yeah - and if you can get in my apartment, I need some bras."

       Kristie laughed, "Gee Alex, I'm gonna miss the "I dare you to try and touch me" look - It kinda kept me out of the spotlight."

       Alexandra laughed, "We'll save it for the weekends - I sometimes think I would have made level 4 if I'd been presenting myself better - and now I'm under the microscope - you know?"

       Kristie nodded, "I know."

       Alexandra sighed, "Ah well, enough about the shit I get myself into - tell me what's new with you. How are things going with that whole Casey/ Stephen thing?"

       Kristie groaned, "I gotta go file a report with Madeline soon. Casey can't separate training and real life. It's a problem. He got possessive so I shut him out for a while. Stephen is just history I guess. I miss him - but I'm not gonna hang around for him to condemn me before he asks. I'm working on David right now."

       Alexandra's eyes widened, "The guy from PT?"

       "That's him," Kristie told her, "Good hands, trust me."

       Alexandra chuckled, "HHHMMM . . . he's not exactly aggressive . . . but he is cute."

       Kristie laughed, "Oh he can be aggressive if he wants to be. I was in the hot tub last night - soaking my leg - and he came I at 3:30 - and joined me in the tub. I thought he'd run like hell, but he strips down, climbs in, and I climbed on."

       Alexandra laughed again, "hah! Sex in the hot tub!!"

       "Oh yeah, he totally surprised me - and it was a very welcome surprise," Kristie told her, "Where are you headed now?"

       "I don't have to be anywhere - I was gonna go see if I could find something to do in med lab again. I wanna keep busy."

       Kristie set Pepe back down on Alexandra's lap, "We can shop on line then. Follow me."

       Kristie lead her over to one of the terminals, and logged herself onto the internet, then pulled up a page for a clothing store.

        They picked out several pairs of slacks, blouses, a few jackets, shoes, panties, bras, the whole nine yards.

        "I think we should get you a hat to cover your head," Kristie teased her.

       Just then, Beth walked by with Darren, as well as Tony and Kim, Kim winked at Kristie and Alex behind everyone else's backs, and made a gesture like she was gonna strangle Beth behind their backs.

       Alexandra hardly noticed though. What she did notice was how wonderful Beth's hair looked. Long, and normal.  I hate her . . .

       "Kim was not at all happy about that whole double date thing," Kristie told Alexandra.

       Alexandra shrugged, "Hey, he's entitled to a life - and a warm body to snuggle up to at night. I did brake it off. Wish to hell I hadn't, but I did."

       Kristie's head snapped back around to her friend, "What?"

       Alexandra swallowed hard, "I miss him - I know it's better this way, but last night, while I'm laying in med lab and staring at the ceiling, I was really wishing he was there to snuggle up to, you know?"

       Kristie nodded, "I know. I don't think Darren and Beth will last long though. He'll be back eventually."

       Alexandra sighed, "I can't keep doing this on again off again thing to him Kristie. If he comes to me, fine, but I'm not going to pursue him."

       Kristie sighed, "Give it time Alex."

       "You know, Darren and I are not so different from you and Stephen," Alexandra reminded her.

       Kristie snorted, "Yeah, we're all collectively doomed."


       Stephen had been reading through David's file. Unlike most of the people who were part of Section One, he hadn't committed some crime to get here. The witness protection program had not been able to protect him - Section One made him an offer he couldn't refuse. They were in desperate need of a physical therapist.

       David was noted to be someone who accepted his situation, and dove into his work head first. He had a tendency to keep operatives at arms length, and kept everything purely professional. Stephen shook his head when he read that part. Someone got past his defenses. The same woman that got past Stephen's. David was not an overly aggressive person, nor someone with huge ambitions, Section kept tabs on him, but didn't consider him a huge security risk.

       When Stephen tried to pull up Casey's file, he found that he was locked out. That didn't surprise him. Stephen could only guess what it said.  Piss-ant, that would be first word Stephen would think off . . . .Casey was technically Michael's material. Why Kristie had been chosen to train him was a mystery to Stephen. She did have the ability to detach, and she had the skills, but there was an entire valentine department that did that kind of training. It wasn't like they needed to find something for Kristie to do while her leg healed anyhow. Perhaps Madeline had done it just to remind them all that they really had no control over their lives? Mess with his and Kristie's head a little because Michael and Nikita had been hands off for the time being?

       Stephen shut down his computer, and watched as Kristie and Alexandra made their way over to where a bank of terminals sat empty in comm. Had his pride lead them to this? He knew he was stubborn, but he regretted not asking her for an explanation. He'd convicted her without a fair hearing. True, she had a track record with men. She ate them alive and then walked away when they no longer interested her. But she hadn't done that to him.

       And now, she'd moved on.

       Stephen closed the blinds, so he wouldn't be able to see her, and pulled up the mission profile for tomorrow morning. Sooner or later, David wouldn't hold her interest, and Stephen would be waiting, and then he'd pounce. To hell with Madeline, Operations and Section One.


       Kim glanced over at Tony, when Darren's gaze was occupied on Beth. Beth didn't have an opinion on anything. She did whatever Darren wanted, and when Darren asked her what she wanted, she said she didn't care. This was going to get old quick.

        Beth excused herself to go to the restroom. Kim waited until she was well out of ear shot, "So that's what does it for you? A woman who has no likes and dislikes herself - but caters totally to what you want? Buy a doll."

       Darren sighed, "She's shy - maybe she just isn't picky."

       "She's just quieter than the rest of us is all," Tony said, "She's nice."

       Kim looked at him, but held her tongue.

       "Darren, I know you like this girl - but see her if you like her, for her - not because you're replacing Alex," Kim told him.

       Darren shook his head, "She is nothing like Alex - that's what I like about her. I'll never have to share Beth with a target. She won't freak out and leave me because she's suddenly feeling insecure."

       Kim looked at Tony, and Tony knew what she was thinking. He's likes her because she's Alex's exact opposite. This has rebound written all over it.


       Michael let himself into Nikita's apartment a little after 8:00 at night. When he walked in, she was in the small kitchen area, taking something out of the oven.

       "I hope to god this is edible. Alex told me how to make this once," Nikita told him.

       Michael moved behind Nikita, and pressed his lips to the back of her neck, "I love you."

       Nikita had just set the casserole dish down on the top of the stove, and held still for a moment, enjoying the feel of his lips on the back of her neck. She felt Michael's hand slide around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder.

       "What is it?" he asked, peering at the dish over her shoulder.

       "A macaroni and cheese, beef and mushroom casserole," Nikita told him, "It looks edible."

       Michael took a deep breath, smelling the scents wafting up, "Smells edible."

       Nikita grabbed a spoon out of the drawer, and dipped it into the dish, and then held it up for Michael, "Blow on it - then tell me what you think."

       Michael took the spoon, blew on the contents for a moment, then slid it into his mouth. He tasted for a moment, then chewed, and swallowed.

       "Not bad," he replied, then took another spoonful, blew on it, and fed it to Nikita. She tasted, chewed and swallowed, nodding her agreement with Michael.

       He pulled two plates from the cabinet, dished up a portion for each of them, and took them to the table. Nikita followed with another spoon, and two beers from the refrigerator.

       "It's not gourmet - but it's not bad," Nikita said, sitting down  near Michael.

       Michael opened her beer for her, then his, "It doesn't have to be gourmet Nikita."

       Michael put another spoonful into his mouth, "It just has to be reasonable good - and it is. Otherwise, we order take out, and life goes on."

       He scooped up another spoonful, and fed it to her.

       It was after dinner, after the leftovers had been stored away in the fridge, when the dishes were done, when they were snuggled up on the porch, watching the stars above that Nikita asked about what Michael had found out about Alex.

       "Why is she still listed in abeyance?" Nikita asked Michael, "And why on earth is that prick Carlson still in a cell?"

       Michael sighed deeply, "Madeline is going to watch Alexandra for a few days, evaluate what she does with her time - measure her emotional stamina. I have no doubts that Alexandra will pass with flying colors. She's kept busy - making good use of her down time."

       Nikita sighed, "I'd have thrown in the towel by now, if I was Alex."

       "No you wouldn't," Michael whispered to Nikita, "Carlson - is being held pending a meeting with George. I think Operations wants to rub it in a little bit."

       Nikita sighed, "Ballsy - but that is why he is Operations I guess."

       Michael traced the shell of her ear with little kisses, "We can move into that apartment anytime now apparently."

       Nikita smiled, "Do I get to put one of those name engraved door knocker's up, that says "The Samuelle's?"

       "Yes," Michael whispered, and then he nipped at her ear lobe, his fingers sliding up under her shirt, feeling the belly bracelet, then sliding farther up to cup her breasts. Nikita sighed longingly, her nipples already hardened like little stones.

       Michael stroked his fingers over them, his mouth warm and wet on her neck as he kissed the sensitive flesh just below her ear.

       Then the phone rang, yanking both of them back to reality.

       "Damn," Nikita swore, and got up, striding back into her apartment.

       "Hello?" she said, answering it.

       "Josephine . . ."


       Kim still ached with need when she and Tony arrived in Section. She and Tony had been making love on his living room floor when her cell phone went off. God she hated her job sometimes. She was just yanking on her cloths when his phone rang.

       She passed by Ryan, who was standing over one of the other comm techs watching information come in. She reached her terminal, and bent over to prop her bag up on one of the table legs.

       "MMM MMM MMM," Ryan said, just loud enough for it to carry to the small group of people gathered there, "Tony - she's probably a tiger in the sack huh?"

       Kim stood up, and turned around, prepared to give Ryan a good verbal lashing. Tony beat her to it.

       "Show some respect man," Tony warned him, "You just might need her help sometime when the bullets are coming and you're pinned down under the shit."

       Kim shook her head, and started to scroll through the data coming in.


       Darren's phone rang, and he groaned loudly, and sat up, reaching for his cell phone.

        Beth sat up as well grabbing a throw off the sofa to cover herself with. She listened to him answer the phone, and then abruptly hang up.

       "I gotta go in," Darren told her, and then leaned forward to kiss her on the mouth again. She hesitated for a moment, then kissed him back. But Darren didn't have time to press the kiss any further.

       "I'll see you  . . . soon," He laughed a little, "Sleep well."

       He got up and strode for the door, his mind playing the evening over in his head. Dinner with Tony and Kim went well enough. Beth never knew that Kim found her shyness irritating. Beth did her best to carry on a conversation when someone directly asked her a question, but it took her hours to loosen up enough to volunteer anything. They all left the restaurant separately, and Darren had driven Beth home. She invited him in, and Darren agreed. They'd started out by making out on the sofa, and they'd moved on to the floor when clothing started to come off. He rolled the condom on early, and set about making sure she was more than ready for him - but she was clearly uncomfortable with him going down on her, and though she did become wet, when he did enter her, she just lay beneath him, as if suffering through something distasteful. Nothing he did to arouse her worked much, most of it made her uncomfortable. He stopped twice, and she told him it was OK, she wanted him to go on.

        Then his phone rang. He felt vastly relieved now. It certainly hadn't been the kind of sex he was used to. All of his partners - before Section, targets while he was an operative, Alex and the woman he dated before Alex had all enjoyed sex. But they were all very different from Beth. Darren made the excuse in his head that she just shy.


       "Shawn O'Grady," Operations began, "Runs an ultraviolent faction of the IRA. He recently made an arrangement with Red Cell, and may know where to find some of their key players. We get O'Grady, and we get those Red Cell Operatives. We found out less than an hour ago that he's meeting with several other members of the IRA in Belfast. You're panels have been loaded, you'll go over the parameters on transport."


       Walter watched three of his friends converge on his station all at once, coming for the gear they'd need for a mission. All of them looked . . . frustrated some how.

       "It's a pick up mission," Walter said, "You all look like you were just dragged out of bed. It's only 9 in the evening.

       Nikita managed a grin, "We may not be in the Bahamas, but the honeymoon isn't over Walter."

       She grabbed her stuff, and walked out. Tony and Darren looked at each other.

       "I'm too much of a gentlemen to kiss and tell," Darren replied, picked up his gear and walked out.

       Tony shook his head, and looked at Walter, "That say's a lot."

       Walter shook his head, "They won't last. She's chilly - and he's hot blooded."

       Tony sighed, "Kim doesn't like her, and neither does Kristie. Only because she's not Alex. She's not a bad person, she's just different."

       "Maybe," Walter began, "Kim and Kristie are upset because they know that Alex and Darren belong together. Sure, they get upset, they steam and boil over - but if you could get inside their heads, I bet you would find out that Alex misses being able to just be with Darren.  Darren is undoubtedly making excuses in his head why things are better this way with Beth. But it won't last. He'll come back to Alex, she'll go back to him. Just wait."

       "How long have you known them?" Tony asked.

       "A few years," Walter told him, "Since they were recruits and didn't know how to operate an Uzi."


       Tony left Walter's station, and stopped by comm for a moment. Kim was just stretching, sitting on the end of her chair, her back arched, her body bowing out and arching back, her arms extended. Her hair fell over the back of her chair. Tony stopped, and watched for just a second. Apparently satisfied, Kim relaxed, and sat in a more normal position.

       Tony leaned down from behind her, "Do you know what that does to me? Seeing you stretch and flex like that? In front of god and everyone?"

       Kim grinned, "Hurry back. I'm all wound up - and I'm not a patient woman."

       Tony glanced back up towards the glass tower, and saw the silver hair'd self appointed King of Section One. Tony wouldn't kiss Kim with Operations watching.

       "Love you," he whispered, and strode off.

       Kim felt butterflies in her chest. Strange - how in this hell hole she'd so foolishly chosen a few years ago, she'd found what she'd often doubted was possible. True, pure, real love.


       "You're not going?" Birkhoff asked.

       Kim turned to look over at him, "Nope. They're running it from here. The only reason I am in now, instead of later is so I can cover some other stuff in the mean time. Are we short people still?"

       Birkhoff shook his head, "No - Gayle is late - but she'll be here any minute."

       Birkhoff pulled up a roster of missions in progress, "You're about to monitor the Jenkins mission?"

       "Yeah, in 10 minutes," Kim told him.

       Birkhoff frowned, "I had Gayle scheduled for that . . ."

       Kim frowned, "They do look at the roster, don't they?"

       Birkhoff nodded, "Yeah - Madeline does . . ."

       Kim watched while he started to type away at his keyboard. A moment later, he went completely pale, and dropped the soda he had in his hand.

       "No! Oh my god No!" He gasped, his hand clutching at his chest.

       Kim was up and out of her chair in a flash, willing her weaker leg and hip to work just as well as her good one as she limped her way over to him.

       "Birkhoff?!" Kim called out, "What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong?!"

       "Gayle . . .!" Birkhoff gasped, turning his head away from Kim, away from comm.

       Kim looked over at the screen, her eye's quickly taking in what was before her. Gayle had been canceled. Jonathan had said she helped them steal the files from Section One.

       Kim looked over at Walter's station, and waved him over. Walter had seen Birkhoff react to something, and was already moving towards them.

       "What?" Walter demanded, his voice held a slight frantic edge to it.

       "They canceled Gayle," Kim said quietly, "And didn't tell anyone! Birkhoff just pulled up her jacket, and that's how he found out."

       Birkhoff suddenly started to retch. Walter grabbed a garbage can and shoved it under Birkhoff's head.

       Kim keyed something into the computer, "DR Marc - fast . . .. Marc - Birkhoff is really sick - and I don't know if it's food poisoning or what, come get him."

       She dropped the line to med lab, and called over her shoulder at one of the other comm techs, "Call in someone - Birkhoff is sick."

       A moment later, two medics came rushing across the main floor. Operations voice came over the intercom loudly, "What's going on down there?!"

       Kim took a steadying breath, and grabbed the comm unit off of Birkhoff's ear, and again patched in her own, "Birkhoff just got sick - I think it's food poisoning. We're calling someone else in, we've got it under control."

       She limped back out of the way, as the two medics rolled Birkhoff onto a stretcher. Walter strode after him, apparently not willing to let Birkhoff be left in the company of strangers.

       Kim quickly transferred main control of comm over to her terminal, and shut Birkhoff's station down. The whole time she felt an ache deep inside her chest. She knew how section worked. She hated it. They should have talked to him privately - rather than let him find out on his own. She glanced up at the glass tower. Madeline had joined operations up there. They were older - much older than most everyone else here. There were rumors that Michael was the heir to the throne. Some said Nikita would take Operations role, Michael would take Madeline's. Kim vowed she'd still be here when it happened, and dance on Madeline's and Operation's graves. In the short time that Kim had been in Section, she'd seen them fake her death to hurt Michael, she'd heard stories of other things they did, she'd seen the results of what was done at substations. Even since she'd been at this main station, she'd seen them play horrific mind games with her close friends. Revenge was best served cold. Their day would come. Kim would help crucify them.

       "I can't get anyone," The other comm tech said, "We are stretched way to thin. We still got people sick in med lab from whatever virus is getting to us."

       Kim sighed deeply. They had three missions about to go live. Kristie was out on a mission, she was one of the few cold ops that could sub in well enough. Darren could, but he was on a mission.

       Alex was just rolling through the main floor, at that moment.

       "Alex," Kim called out, "I need your help, now. We've got missions about to go live and not enough people."

       Alexandra turned her chair towards Kim, and started over, "I'm still locked out . . ."

       Kim hit the intercom button again, that put her through to Madeline and Operations in the above tower, "We have three missions about to go live and two comm people. Give me the code to reinstate Alex - or we have to abort a mission."

       "Call in someone else," was Operations terse reply.

       "There isn't someone else," Kim snapped, "They're all sick! Which mission do we cancel?"

       There was silence for a moment. Then, Kim's terminal beeped a reply. Alexandra was reinstated temporarily, all her transmissions to be monitored.

       "Terminal three Alex," Kim told her.


       Alexandra grabbed up the comm unit, logged herself in, and started to read through the profile. She still had Pepe in her lap, but the little Chihuahua had enough sense to know that he should just stay curled up and not get curious enough to walk around.


       Kristie caught a glance at herself in the mirror as she walked by. She was wearing a full length blue taffeta evening gown, cut to show of curves and cleavage. A high split on one thigh would make it very easy to get to her gun if need be. She had a fake diamond necklace and earrings on, the necklace had a tiny camera hidden in it.

       "I'm on," Kristie said, activating her comm unit and her camera.

       "Those things take the crappiest pictures," Alexandra's voice replied, "Everyone is distorted."

       Kristie felt a surge of relief. Alex was on comm, that had to be a good sign.

       "Oh they must be desperate if you're running comm," Kristie replied, teasing.

       Alexandra laughed, "Hey - I hear you're wearing one my favorite dresses too. Don't mess it up. I have every intention of needing it again - OK - I have your target being a Caucasian male - eastern European features, mid 40's, salt and pepper hair, trim, brown eye's."

       "Oh gee, that only fits half the men here," Kristie commented, "I think I can nail him from the shadowy jpeg. Have you seen it?"

       "Oh yeah," Alexandra said, "It's bad, but it's better than nothing."

       "I hate these embassy parties, they are so boring," Kristie sighed.

       "You're here to tag someone, not play," Stephen's voice came over.

       "Yes Daddy," Kristie replied.

       She heard Alexandra snicker a little bit, "I'll run the imaging map profiler, if you think you find him, tell me, I'll match the numbers. I'm seeing a 50-50 chance he won't show."

       "Typical male," Kristie sighed, "Hey, I got him."

       "Hold on, let me run this . . ." Alexandra's voice came through, "that's our boy! Not a bad looking boy too, considering he's old enough to be your daddy."

       "Older men have more stamina than the young ones," Kristie quipped back.

       All conversation between the two friends ended as Kristie zoned in on her target. It took her all of ten minutes to get him to ask her to dance. While they danced, Kristie slipped the tracker in place. The dance ended, she moved away, and Stephen called for the team to fall back to the van.

       Kristie climbed into the van, and pulled off the spiked high heels, "I would kill for more missions like this one. I'm so tired of sleeping with targets."

       It was Stephen she was talking to, how was sitting right next to her.

       "You once told me it was just sex," Stephen replied tersely.

       Kristie looked over at him, "I know you and half of the rest of Section thinks I'm just a whore - but there is more to me than that. I thought you knew that."

       She rested her head back against the wall behind her, closed her eye's, and shut out the rest of the world for a few moments.


       Alexandra felt a hand rest on her shoulder. It felt safe, somehow, and she wasn't surprised when she looked and found Michael standing behind her.

       "They let me out of my cage for a few minutes," she teased, keying up some coordinates. She handed Michael a comm unit so he could listen in if he wanted to.

       It was Nikita's voice that came through, "We're on site - call it in guys."

       "Tony is in position one, trying not to salivate so much over all the beer passing by."

       "Lance is in position two, wondering why it always has to rain every time he comes to Belfast."

       "Darren is in position three, Mexican beer is better."

       "Robert is in position four. I'm not picky, I'll settle for anyone's beer."

       "Nikita is in position five, I just want to be back in the Bahamas."

       "Alex is monitoring. I'm thinking I'll dye my hair blue next time, what do you think?"

       Darren felt his pulse jump. If Alex was monitoring, things were good, they had to be . . .

       "Oh no, skip the blue," Nikita replied, "Purple is a better color for you - and get a decent hair cut."

       "Tomorrow.  I'm reading all of you. Lots of other bodies around, must be a good night for this place."

       "It's always a good night in Belfast," Nikita told her, "Especially at this place. I'm gonna send Tony in to tag our man."

       "Gotcha," Alexandra replied.

       Michael listened to the way everyone called in. He was used to Nikita doing that - now. Before, it used to irritate him. It pissed off Operations to no end. But she never quit, and it worked for her team. She had a very loyal team though, too.

       Alexandra reached up, and put Michael's hand on the back of her neck.  He knew what she wanted. It came through loud and clear. He could almost hear what she was thinking. Make yourself useful, rub my neck.

       In Belfast, Tony moved through the crowd, ordered himself a glass of water, and dropped in the isotope. It mixed instantly, and he started to stagger over toward the target. He tripped, and sloshed the water all over the target.

       There were curses, and yells, Tony drunkenly apologized, and got out of there quickly, and back to his post.

       "He's lit up like a Christmas tree," Alexandra informed them, "I'll keep ya informed."

       Kim looked over at Alex, seeing Michael rub her neck, she pushed her chair over, and grabbed Michael's other hand, and set it on her neck. Michael shook his head. This was so like both of them. Nikita would be laughing if she could see this.


       They waited for three hours, before their target decided it was time to leave.

       "OK ladies and gentlemen, your target is moving towards the bathroom. You can catch him with his pants down - literally."

       Nikita rolled her eye's. Alexandra must be feeling good.

       "Seen one butt, you've seen them all," Nikita quipped.

       "Not true," Darren replied.

       "Yes it is," Alexandra added dryly, "I'm reading one other person in the bathroom - and he's heading for the door."

       Everyone was quiet, they were moving in on the target.

       "Second person is out," Alexandra informed them.

       She watched as three of them went into the bathroom.  One stayed at the door, the fifth was pulling the van around.

       "Target secured," Nikita's voice came back on, "We're on our way to transport Monitor until we're airborne."

       "Gotcha," Alexandra replied, "Purple huh?"

       "Or green."

       "Just don't shave it all off," Darren's voice came over.

       "The skin head look doesn't do it for you?" Alexandra asked.

       "I'm still trippin seeing it black," Robert joined in, "It gives you that wild look. I kinda like black."

       "I could dress up in leather all the time," Alexandra teased.

       "Please," Lance's voice joined in, "I'll tell the pilot to hurry. I'll bring the whip."

       Alexandra laughed, "You're all looking like your in the clear so far. No trailers - no obvious trailers I should say. I'll watch until you get airborne."


       Michael was in Madeline's office early the next morning.

       "Interesting view on her progress," Madeline said as Michael walked in, "You're estimating a 3 increase in her performance, not just a complete return. Based on what?"

       "She's made some decisions," Michael replied, "She volunteered them, I didn't have to ask."

       "Those are?" Madeline asked him.

       "She feels that she didn't make level 4 not only because of her undercover mission outside of the Section, but because of her presentation. She's changing her appearance, focusing long term. We'll still see some defiance on things she feels strongly about, but with goals in mind, she'll exceed her previous levels," Michael explained.

       "Does she feel she could lead a team now?" Madeline asked him.

       "She hasn't voiced that opinion. I feel her skills are adequate. She'll overcompensate at first. Over plan. We'll see fallout after missions. She won't feel totally prepared, but she has the basic skills. They just need grooming."

       "Grooming - interesting choice of words. Do you know where your protégé is right now?" Madeline asked.

       "No," Michael replied.

       "She, Kristie and Kim are in recruit grooming," Madeline told him, "I heard last nights transmissions. She better not dye her hair blue or purple."

       Michael felt his stomach twist into a knot.


       "We can leach the black out, and re-color her hair the same tone of red as it normally is," the Stylist said, carefully examining Alexandra's roots.

       Alexandra had left her wheelchair in med lab. Her leg was tender, but not truly painful. She hated that thing, even if Pepe liked it. Pepe, at the moment, was standing guard over Birkhoff in his quarters.

       "And she needs a makeover too," Kristie added.

       "And a decent hair cut. We're trying to avoid the street rat look," Kim explained.

       Alexandra had dressed in a charcoal gray shiny T-shirt, a long 3/4 duster length blazer and slim black slacks. she had on 2.5 inch straight back conservative heels.

       The stylist draped a cape around her shoulders, and started the process of leaching the black dye out of her hair.

       Kim grimaced as she watched, "Dear god Alex, what on earth were you thinking?!"

       "Stay alive," Alexandra replied, "Don't get picked up before you find out what happened, don't let anyone recognize you . . ."

       Kristie frowned, "Buy a wig next time."

       "How about no next time?" Alexandra said, "I want to know when they're gonna cancel Carlson. They can't possibly be thinking of letting him go."

       "Politics being what it is, I'm sure they're placating oversight as we speak," Kristie sighed, "Are you gonna be OK with it?"

       "No problem with it at all," Alexandra replied, "How he treats women - especially the ones he's courting - is an act - a means to an end. On top of all that, he was gonna start taking out all my friends - he even had designs on my dog!"

       "Condemn any man to death who thinks of harming that dog!" Kristie joined in teasing her, "God knows the sun rises and sets on Pepe!"

       "It does," Alexandra said matter a factly.

       The stylist finished leaching out the color, then set about mixing up the right color red toner, and applying it. Alexandra felt a little nauseated watching, and she notice a few worried looks on Kristie and Kim's face. But then, he was done. He evened up the lengths, then blow dried her hair, and used a large barrel curling iron to get the natural curl under control. When he was done, she had full waves, and it just dusted her shoulders.

       The makeup artist went to work on her. She wanted the polished sophisticated look, so they went for soft taupe's and browns, khaki eyeliner, a natural color lipstick, and silky brown mascara.

       "Amazing," Kim said when they were done with Alexandra, "I could never pull that off on my own."

       Kristie cocked her head to one side, looking her friend over, "Careful, Madeline will think you're after her job."

       Alexandra rolled her eye's, "Not in this life time."


       Darren felt the wet towel hit on the back of the head, taking him totally by surprise. He grabbed it before it hit the ground, looking to see who would dare hit him with a wet towel.

       Tony grinned, shoving another one under the shower spray, gesturing for Lance to hit Robert.

       Darren balled up the wet towel, and threw it back. Tony ducked. A wet towel came sailing from another direction. Someone started hosing everyone down with one of the hand held shower heads.


       Kim, Kristie and Alexandra could all hear the masculine yells and laughter as they were walking down the hallway.

       "Porno viewing in the locker room?" Kristie asked, not serious.

       Just then, Darren and Tony came bursting through the door, both of them howling with laughter. They both stopped dead in their tracks, coming face to face with the three women.

       Darren's mouth fell open. Alexandra looked . . . incredible! When was the last time he'd seen her look this good? It had to have been . . . Nikita's wedding of course, but before that, months. Many months ago. She looked sophisticated, put together, polished, her blue eye's sparkled, her full lips seemed to beckon to him. He couldn't breath.

       Alexandra felt her breath catch in her lungs. Both men were physically beautiful. Tony had a towel around his waist, other wise bare. Darren was clad only in boxer shorts, very wet, very clingy boxer shorts. But Darren was the only one Alexandra saw. The muscles of his abdomen well defined, his flesh drawn tight over each ridge, his long hair wet and hanging down on his chest and shoulders.

       A little drop of water started to slide down his collar bone to his chest. Alexandra suddenly felt like being very bold. She stepped forward, and with a flick of her tongue, caught the droplet, stroking his skin. Darren gasped, feeling like he'd just been branded for life.

       "You still taste good," Alexandra said breathlessly,  her eye's raking over him, lingering on the swelling taking place under the boxer shorts for a moment.

       "I . . . We . . ." Darren stuttered.

       "Alex," Michael's voice came from down the hall, "You're expected in Madeline's office."

       Alexandra looked Darren over again, then smiled at Tony, "Another time Gentlemen."

       She turned on her heel, and started down the hall towards Michael.

       "Holy shit," Darren gasped.

       Kristie burst out laughing, "That girl is gonna be just fine."

       Kim pushed Tony back towards the locker room, "Get in there, get some cloths on, I want to go home - soon. I'm horny, and it's your fault!"

       Darren didn't take his eye's off Alexandra's retreating back, "What did they do to her?"

       "Just a little work with a hair stylist and makeup, it's still Alex," Kristie reminded him.

       "Yeah but . . . oh my god . . ."

       Kristie laughed, "Don't let Beth hear you say that."

       Darren swallowed hard, and said in a deflated voice, "Beth is a nice girl."

       Kristie leaned in close to Darren, "But does she make you go insane the way Alex does? Some things my friend, are just . . . meant . . . to be."


       "What's going on?" Michael asked Alexandra, quickly taking in her appearance. She looked good. He approved.

       "I think the guys had a little wet towel fight in the locker room," Alexandra said calmly, forcing her voice to be normal, despite the way her heart still pounded in her chest.

       Michael had seen Alexandra flick her tongue on Darren's chest. That was what he had been asking about, and he knew Alexandra knew it.

       "You look good," Michael told her, "When you go in there, be totally honest. You have no secrets here Alex."

       Alexandra nodded, "Michael."

       He had turned away, but he stopped.

       "Thank you, I know you've been campaigning for me," she told him.

       "I reinforced what was already there," Michael told her, "You have to do the rest."



       Madeline slid the gun across the desk to Alexandra.

       "He is in containment four," Madeline told her, "Go in, let him see you, tell him you can get both of you out, but you need help. Ask who his contact is. When he tells you, cancel him."

       Alexandra took the gun, checked the magazine, and strode out. She knew this was a test, Madeline would be watching her. She had no intention of failing, canceling him would be easy.

       She walked past where Darren was talking to Beth in the hall, not giving them a second glance. But Darren looked, seeing the icy controlled expression on her face.

        "Beth," Darren said, "Give me a minute."

       Alexandra passed Kristie and Kim giving them a calm smile. They saw the gun, knew instinctually where she was going, they knew she'd been sent.

       Alexandra rounded the corner, and found Michael standing by the cell. He'd known, when Madeline had called for her.

        This is your chance Alex, she told herself, excommunicate this jerk from  your soul and never feel that confusion again. Section in your home, your twisted family. Not this man.

       Alexandra slid the gun into the waist band of her slacks under the jacket, opened the door, and walked into the room.


       Brian Carlson looked up, expecting to see Madeline, judging from the looks of the heals and slacks. But when he looked up, he was totally in shock. Alexandra looked so different. Gone were the short flip skirts, the crop top and those thigh high boots. Instead, she looked elegant, sophisticated. Very different.

       "Alexandra," he said, it was almost a moan. He'd been laying on the floor. He still hurt all over. He was surprised they hadn't killed him. He'd steadfastly refused to give up his contact here. They said they knew of course. But they only had one of them.

       "Brian," she said softly, dropping down to one knee next to him, "Are you OK?"

       He managed a bitter laugh, "No, I am not OK. What did you expect?"

       "I'm in the clear," Alexandra told him, "I think I can get us out of here . . . but I need help."

       Carlson sighed, and slumped back onto the floor, "You're asking me for help? Look where I am!"

       "Someone here helped you, is it someone I can trust? If we need to buy them off, I know about an account I can get to. I'll end up crucifying myself, but if we can get away . . ."

       Carlson reached up, and stroked her face. Alexandra closed her eye's, feigning that she was enjoying the touch. She wanted to retch.

        "How do I know if I can trust you?" he asked her.

       "I have Pepe on the outside," Alexandra whispered, opening her eye's, and she placed pressed his hand to her stomach, "And I'm pregnant . . . it's yours. You're the only man I've slept with in months."

       She let her head fall forward, a tear slid down her check, then dripped onto his hand, "You once said you could keep me safe . . ."

       "It was a woman, young girl. Into computers apparently. She went by Gayle, but I'm not sure that was her name. She was going to erase your background for me," Carlson whispered, his hand still pressing to her stomach, "How long?"

       Alexandra stood up suddenly, and walked back towards the door. She pulled the gun from her slacks, chambered a round, and leveled off on him.

       "I'm not pregnant. If I was, and it was yours, I'd abort it with no qualms what so ever," Alexandra said calmly.  "How's it feel Brian, for me to stand here and tell you that I had to force myself to keep from puking everytime we had sex.  That when it seemed I was enjoying it, I was really thinking of Darren.  You're scum, and I only wish that I could make you suffer longer.  This is for all of your victims, nameless or not, for Darren and the baby we lost, and most of all, for me.  Go to hell Brian."

       She pulled the trigger. Brian Carlson ceased to exist.

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