The Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA. This is a non-profit, educational organization which recreates the Middle Ages.
About Me
The Canton of Spiaggia Levantina. This is the web site for the local chapter of the SCA, based in Salisbury, MD.
Phi Theta Kappa Middle States Region. Phi Theta Kappa is the internation honor society of two year colleges. The Middle States Region consists of Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
Ferret Ware. They sell products for ferrets and ferret owners. They also support various ferret related causes. They include links to some of the more popular ferret related pages, including the Ferret Mailing List.
Modern Ferret. This is a magazine about ferrets. They include articles about veterinary care, new products, and general ferret care, as well as stories and reader art. For more information about this magazine and how to subscribe, check out this site!
Page last updated December 16, 1998.