Here at H & G headquarters, we understand who you, our readers, are. You're all cowardly escapists and net-nerds, desperately seeking activities and other equally sad individuals, just to avoid having to leave that smelly little room with the computer in. So, as a Public Service, we, HenD & GinJ, have decided to bring the real world to you in a friendly format you can understand!
Each week we'll be taking a close look at a random location that might well be of interest to you. If it isn't? Well grease my nuts and call me a tractor! D'ya think we're frickin' psychic??
Ahem.. as I was saying, we'll bring you the information
you need to know to actually believe you're succeeding in life and getting around, rather than feeling like the inadequate, house-bound philistine you really are.
First Stop..GinJah`s birthplace..London
Manchester..home of HenD
To The Index