Dufy, Raoul . Collioure . 1941

The stillness stalked the doghouse, whistled, whined
each spring when beefsteaks grew, as if her blood
returned to flesh. He took her there resigned,

my loyal stray, betrayed and tricked. A flood
of feelings came when garden beds were made.
It's when I watched her bones turn into mud.

The tiller toiled then stalled as if it paid
respect to her. I'd plant the seeds and wait
for ears to rise, arouse the birds in shade.

I'd weed around the place she's laid, the fate
that put her there, avoid the gate that kept
her trapped. I cleared my eyes, my ears too late--

her death crept past my door, took all except
her eyes, the sight that I could not accept.

©2000 Peggy Putnam Owen
