Winslow, Homer . The Gulf Stream . 1899

Big Fish and Fairy Tales

I've known you all my life-- 
Rumpelstiltzkin too, (so what)? 
I've read the proverbs, tales, 

Death to life, masses of manna, 
son sacrifices, straw into gold, 
(Why not?), calmed seas. 

And there is still all this wine 
and I want water. 

Villagers, messengers, 
prophets seek your name, 
want to watch you dance 
'round the flames, sing the agenda 
of tomorrow; which child you'll take. 

I sit on the shore, listen 
to the conch simulate the ocean, 
swear it is the echo of Jonah; 
screaming to be free. 

If my son returns 
I will name him Jonah, 
ask what he learned 
from the Big Fish, 
read him Rumpelstiltzkin 
and I will no longer 
be torn in two.

©2000 Peggy Putnam Owen
