Turner, Joseph Mallord William. Peace - Burial at Sea . 1842

There is no ship too big
to make narwhals look small enough,
or the Indian Ocean look pacific-
Or even puffers less rough to the eye.

I'll have to settle for shallow sailing-
imagine a clipper inside the Maldives.
I'll christen her Lydia and keep her hidden
from hook-handed Bellemys,
raping mates and sea dog macaws.

I'll pretend I am Eve and wear purple
while I ponder evolution. I'll resist subsidence
and blow seeds to sightseers.

I will found, Another Man's Treasure Hunt
to pay Adam what I owe --
never hurts to have a theory in tow.

When God gets word
I'll hide inside the coral,
wait for Darwin to find me.
I'll evolve my trade from every angle
and watch Lydia turn a beautiful
shade of gray.

2003 Peggy Putnam Owen
