The Ghost of Lenore

She shouldered silken purple drapes aflap
on latticed glass, unlatched for evermore--
She heard the devil's taunting rap tap tap

that lulled her through the haunted chamber door.
White death flew by and perched the lore of Poe
atop her heaving bust. The ghost, Lenore

cascaded fast ignoring cries of woe
from Poe. And each December-gust comes last.
The raven, Nevermore, a stately foe,

a shorebird bearing shadows from the past
came flitting dying embers, echoes, through
the chamber door; his velvet presence vast,

said nothing but, "Lenore", it's ghastly true!
Tis evermore, this stirring of the Rue.

©2000 Peggy Putnam Owen
