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just an ORDINARY DAY (journalicious)
My (hundred and) 2 cents: opinions on bras to boys and all the navelity in between
quoth the raven- quotes from the wise and humorous
My Old Skoo' art (t'will be updated soon!)
Poet say what? (Poetry and other musings, will be updated soon)
PICTIONARY: a photo album in desperate need of organization
"I'd like to thank bubba for shrimp everything"- awards from you + for you
VOTING BOOTH- so what if you're too young to pick the president?
MUSIC.NET- links to the best musicians in cyberspace
"I'd like to thank bubba for shrimp everything"- awards from you + for you
Link me up, scotty!- random links you might enjoy.
CAFFINATED- want a bit more of a visual blast... clicky here, ya punk!

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