

Heh, I guess I did it again. I just wandered off and left this place to get all dusty and stuff. In my own defense, my life has changed much in the past few months. I won't go into details and bore you or anything, though. I will get back to this place more regularly, I hope.

P.S. - Just looked at the other pages in Mozilla and see a huge difference in the way it looks. It looks perfect in IE! Will fix that as soon as possible.


Changed the background and link colors. There's a neat color picker thingie at this place. You can spend a lot of time there just playing with all the pretty colors. ;)


I have forgotten quite a bit of HTML over the past couple years. It's true what they say; if you don't use it, you lose it. I've been surfing around websites so that can brush up on it, but I've found that I'm more interested in expanding my knowledge of CSS. The changes I'm making here look good to me. I am using IE 6 and my screen resolution is 800x600. If you're using something different, what we are seeing may not be the same.


Re-added The Virus Huntress and Drip. Will be making some more changes to both pages, but they're at least up for now. I also added an e-mail link at the bottom of this page. Feel free to send suggestions or complaints.


Added the cheesy smiley faces up above and indented my paragraphs. I am feeling the urge to start doing something with this place again, but still have no ideas. Soon, I hope.

Well, this is it. I am closing this place down. I've had this for somewhere around three years now, and I've lost interest in maintaining it.

I want to thank those of you who have been kind enough to sign my guestbook, and especially those friends of mine who kept coming back and encouraged me through the many changes I made while learning HTML.

It's possible that I'll eventually find something that'll spark my interest and I'll make something of it, but until then . . . happy surfing, and see you around.

No contact info at the time.

This site designed for best viewing at 800x600 screen resolution and with Internet Explorer.

Valid CSS!