About Henna Tattooing or Mehndi

     The art of decorating the body with henna stain is a very ancient one.  The methods and tools I use today are very similar to those used thousands of years ago.

artwork courtesy Rupal Pinto
Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is this permanent?

A: No.  The henna stain will remain visible on your skin from a week to a month.  The amount of time your stain remains depends on your skin type, the quality of the henna powder, the amount of time the paste is left on the skin, and proper aftercare.

Q: Does it hurt?

A: No.  The application of the henna paste is actually a very soothing and pleasant experience.

Q: Is it bad for my skin?

A: No.  Henna is actually very good for the skin.  It acts as a natural sun block and moisturizer.

Q:  When is henna appropriate?

A: Traditionally henna is appropriate at all times, especially special occasions.  I almost always have henna somewhere on my body, but some extra special events you might want to think of are birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, proms and vacations; any time you might want to add an extra little "something" to your appearance.

If you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me and I'll do my best to answer.

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