The Location of the James Joyce Parlor Japan

The James Joyce Parlor is located in Abiko, Chiba, about 30-40 minutes by train from Tokyo and about 45 minutes from Narita. It is in quiet little Abiko, a city that once hosted such greats as Bernard Leach and Matsuo Basho.

How to get to the James Joyce Parlor. First take the train to Abiko, Chiba. You can use the JR Joban, JR Joban/Narita, Subway Chiyoda or the Tobu Noda (with a change at Kashiwa). From Abiko station, go out the only ticket gate, turn left. Walk along the corridor and down the stairs. Walk straight. The train tracks will be on your right as you walk. You will pass a Pachinko Parlor, Sakura Bank and a furniture shop. After about five minutes, you will see a phone booth on your left with a green phone inside. Soon, the road will split with a small road running right. Turn right onto the small road. Go down the hill. You will see some small one-story houses on your right. Between the second and third house is a small walkway. Follow this back and at the second house on your left is the abode of the manager of the James Joyce Parlour.