Why Cindy Sheehan Matters

Cindy Sheehan matters because she calls the question. She shakes the fence and forces people to actually make a choice. She wakens some from their slumber. It is a simple but powerful technique, which Catholics call "speaking truth to power."


Why did GWB choose to start this war? Why has it been so badly managed? Why have domestic politics driven so many of the bad decisions? Why do troops still have inadequate body armor and armored vehicles? Why have we installed former CIA employees as leaders of the Iraqi government? Why are those who have presided over the many muddled decisions been given medals? Why are our VA hospitals so unprepared and underfunded? Why do we dump our veterans (especially the Guard) back into society with so little assistance? Why is so much of the spending lost in simple fraud? Why should American shut up and support a politician instead of thinking for themselves?


When is enough enough? When do Iraqis get actual rather than paper sovereignty? When will our occupation of their country end? When will Iraqis get to make decisions without us dictating the results? When will those who support the war be willing to send their children?


Where has so much of the Iraqi oil money gone to?


Who is all the money going to?


If the current troop levels have produced a country in chaos, what will another two or ten years of it accomplish?

If this war is worth my son's life, why isn't the country on a war footing?

National Guard Dad - August 20, 2005