From the Stevens Point Journal

Wed, Sep 14, 2005

Open letters

Bring troops home from Iraq

It's time for President Bush to keep the promise he made as a candidate in 2000, that American troops would not be deployed without a clear exit strategy. Continuing the occupation of Iraq indefinitely is not an exit strategy. It only will lead to more deaths, the end of the National Guard and a weakening of the Army, further political and social chaos in Iraq, a growing hatred of America and its policies throughout the world, more terrorists and less safety. Bring the troops home. Bring them home now.

When they come home, we must continue to support them, not cut, underfund and close veteran's programs. The Bush administration has targeted the Waco, Texas, VA facility (just miles from the presidential retreat at Crawford) for closing, even though it is a national leader in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and eye injuries. There is no shortage of physically and mentally wounded veterans thanks to Bush's policies. The vilified Cindy Sheehan joined veteran's groups in protesting this outrage. Where are our priorities? Stop the tax cuts for oil companies and millionaires and make Support the Troops more than just a bumper sticker.

Finally, stop the lies and spin. This country never again should be lied to about why our troops are being put in harm's way. Instead we find that the buck stops nowhere under the Bush administration. Sept. 11. The invasion of Iraq. Turning military victory into political defeat. Turning liberation into occupation. Torture approved at the highest levels. FEMA turned over to buddies and campaign contributors. Those who oversee disasters being given medals and cute presidential nicknames. Cover-ups masquerading as investigations. It's time for our president to be a leader and not just play one on TV.

Andy Barnett
Stevens Point