Neocon or not?
How to tell if  someone is a Neocon

Neo-Conservatives (neocons), while increasingly  visible, remain a relatively rare species. The much more common Neo-Liberal/Neo-Wilsonian (neolib) can be mistaken for a neocon. Indeed, neocons often masquerade as neolibs and neolibs are sometimes misled into supporting neocons. Since the two species often look and talk alike, it is necessary to observe them in action to tell them apart. Use the table below to distinguish the two species apart.

Note: This table uses terminology from Thomas P.M. Barnett's The Pentagon's new map: war and peace in the twenty-first century and Blueprint for Action : A Future Worth Creating. For those unfamiliar with his work, link to a glossary is included below. 




Role in the world We are the #1 military power, the only superpower. We owe it to ourselves to use that power to establish a Pax America, exporting democracy and freedom to the world. God and Halliburton would want it that way. Plus, there is a lot of money to be made. We have a moral duty to bring the blessings of freedom and democracy to the world. This may be messy at times, but will benefit the world and those suffering under corrupt and despotic regimes. To enjoy our position without concern for others is immoral.
What is dangerous Evil doers (dangerous but necessary for re-election), places without profit (Africa), oil regions we don't have good contacts in (Venezuela), small countries without WMD (Grenada, Panama), countries that might threaten our military superiority in another twenty years (China), counties that try to counterbalance our military might (Europe), immigrants, Democrats and Cindy Sheehan Disconnectedness defines danger. Countries that are not heavily connected to the world economy are the source of danger in the modern world. A nuclear India is not much more dangerous than a nuclear France. A nuclear Pakistan / North Korea should be a major concern.
How to deal with danger Use our Leviathan military power. Failing that, threaten, lecture, posture and consider covert ops.  Work to establish broadband economic connectivity. In cases where that is impossible, consider use of Leviathan force as part of an A to Z plan to rehabilitate countries and bring them into the Core.
How to deal with Non-Integrating Gap Do they have oil? Otherwise, why bother? Help establish conditions that lead to Foreign Direct Investment, mainly security and economic rule-sets. Only FDI can lead to better economic connections and improved well-being.
Middle East policy Kick their ass, take their gas. Administer a shock to their system then help connect them to the global economy one at a time.
Sanctions or engagement? Sanctions and embargoes.  It feels so good to tell them to go to hell. Engagement = invasion. Engagement. Forty years of sanctions against Cuba has only hurt the people there, ensured their disconnectedness and entrenched their failed leaders.
Nation Building Establish an American protectorate if possible, rule indirectly through CIA connected puppets if not.  Knows that our security depends upon having helped establish a stable situation that will result in economic development.
After a military intervention... To the victor belongs the spoils. No bid contracts for all supporters. No chance of letting other countries becoming involved. Since connectivity is a goal, invite (even beg) other countries to become involved.
Leviathan is... Option 1, indeed, just about the only option. The last resort, after following all the forms to demonstrate our good intent.
SysAdmin is... for wimps. Anything our Leviathan force can't accomplish isn't worth doing. as necessary as Leviathan. Without it we win the war and lose the peace.
Why we invaded Iraq  Oil, WMD, He tried to kill my Daddy, Oil, to bring democracy, Osama Bin-Laden, Oil, to protect Saudi Arabia, the protect Israel, Oil, to build political capital, to establish a secular state, Oil, to raise the status of women, system perturbation, Oil, to fulfill Biblical prophecies, to get re-elected, Oil, because we could. To bring connectivity, a system perturbation and rule set re-set. A successful regime change can send shock waves throughout the Middle East.
After the invasion succeeded Everything went according to plan, though the American military didn't quite get the whole job done. Keep killing dead enders and we will have a military solution. Near criminal lack of planning brought chaos. The second half forces were as underwhelming as the first half were overwhelming.
We will leave Iraq Never. It will be the permanent home for 100,000 troops, primarily on a few large air bases. These will be the basis for our continuing presence in the Middle East. Who's next? Syria or Iran? We can draw down our troops in 2006 (promise) and will eventually remove almost all of them as Iraq strengthens. Think our troops in Germany.
Our efforts in Iraq Will lead to eventual establishment of a stable democracy. Stay the course. Had to succeed in the first six months. They didn't. We have passed a tipping point that will be hard to overcome.
Iran Took hostages, wants nukes and must be resisted. Will get nukes whenever they want them. We should engage them to bring them into the Core.
China Dirty Commies, who will threaten us militarily. Build subs, defend Taiwan, plan for confrontation.  Emerging capitalists, who we should help rise peacefully. Form a partnership while we can.
State Department We don't need no stinkin' State Department. State at least had a plan for post invasion Iraq.
The military needs More high tech weapons, a near peer competitor (like China). A second half / SysAdmin force that will win the peace, otherwise the high tech weapons are useless.
Foreign policy should be Personality driven, guided by ideology and magical thinking. Pragmatic. Shrinking the Gap will bring us more security, but it is a long difficult process.
Rule sets for capitalism Cronyism, insider deals, no-bid contracts, backroom secrecy. Transparency.
George Bush Brilliant man. Great leader. Most powerful person in the world. Lame duck who (with luck) will accomplish little of note during his last three years. A drunk driver who has shown that we need to keep the keys away from him.
Democracy Best imposed elsewhere, since we deserve to stay in power forever. Can follow economic freedom, but not lead it. Most important in the U.S. as an exemplar for the world.
Torture It we do it, it is legal, so there! Counterproductive. A national disgrace. A worldwide image problem. A source of unreliable intelligence.
Soldiers and other grunts Too large a part of the Defense budget. Outsource as much as possible to corporate friends. Cut VA budget and get those slackers off government handouts. They do make good props for speeches. They have given honorable service and deserve excellent treatment on return or retirement.

Glossary of terms used.