Pincushion's CTF Maps

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Bases on the outskirts of a small wind-swept town. Scan drones to teleport to building tops. (Edit the .cs to activate/deactivate teleport gimmick.)
Uses the multiplayer/DM_City_on_the_Edge terrain.
Created: 13 Sep 2002 (5KB)
Bases surround a megalith-studded moon mountain. Scan drones to teleport to building tops. (Edit the .cs to activate/deactivate teleport gimmick.)
Uses the multiplayer/DM_Moonstrike terrain.
Created: 13 Sep 2002 (5KB)
High dunes and moderately-spaced buildings. Edit the .cs to activate/deactivate center Zen pads.
Uses the multiplayer/DM_Sacrifice_to_Bast terrain.
Created: 10 Dec 2001 (4KB)
Medium-sized city centered around Buddha. Scan him for scan/reload. Shoot instead and...
Uses the multiplayer/Starsiege_Football terrain.
Created: 26 Nov 2001 (4KB)
Walled bases (with sniper decks) placed very close together.
Uses the multiplayer/Starsiege_Football terrain.
Created: 08 Jul 2001 (6KB)
Adapted from CTF_Egyptian by Raven [M.I.B.]. Base-oriented spawn points, non-zero flag time.
Uses the multiplayer/DM_City_on_the_Edge terrain.
Created: 01 Oct 2000 (6KB)
Adapted from CTF_Bunkers by Sentinal [M.I.B.]. Zen pads, center buildings, turret code, and non-zero flag time.
Uses the multiplayer/DM_State_of_Confusion terrain.
Created: 01 Oct 2000 (6KB)
The stock CTF_Stab_n_Grab with no Cybrid/Human restrictions.
Created: 10 Apr 2000 (6KB)
The stock CTF_Titanic_Assault with no Cybrid/Human restrictions.
Created: 10 Apr 2000

Pincushion's Starsiege Editing and Scripting

Email:  -  Last updated: Fri Sep 13 17:21:09 PDT 2002