Thomas Axtell and Mary (unknown)

Thomas Axtell was born about January 26, 1618/19 in Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England. He was one of at least seven children of William and Thomasine Axtell.

Thomas married a woman named Mary about 1638. They had two children in England: Mary Axtell, born in 1639, and Henry Axtell, born in 1641. The family emigrated to New England about 1643 where another child, Lydia Axtell, was born in 1644.

Thomas Axtell died in Sudbury, Massachusetts in March 1645/46.

On June 16, 1646, widow Mary married John Maynard, a widower with one son. They reportedly had five children:

One source reports Mary Axtell Maynard's death date as "before 1653" which contradicts the birth date of daughter Mary Maynard.

Sources & Related Information

  • Axtell Family Organization website
  • "A Genealogical Dictionary..." by James Savage
  • " New England Marriages Prior to 1700" by Clarence Almon Torrey (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1885)
  • Mary Beth Wheeler website
  • "Goodenows Who Originated in Sudbury, Massachusetts" by Theodore James Fleming Banvard, Goodenow Family Association (Gateway Press Inc., Baltimore, 1994)
  • Michael Roman website