Christmas Carvings

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Christmas Ornaments
A Musical "Christmas Bell" on the left that looks "almost" like the one Loren Woodard gave me in the W#E Gift Exchange, and an "Alpine St. Nick" on the right. (You can recognize St. Nick, can't you?)
Alpine Santa
An Adirondack Santa, complete with pipe and back pack.
Christmas Ornaments A pair of Santa Claus Christmas Tree ornaments.
Santa's face
...An intarsia Santa's face.
Woodspirit Tree Ornaments Woodspirit Christmas tree ornaments carved in lead pencils.
Another Adirondack Santa

Another Adirondack Santa.
Carpenter Pencil Christmas Ornaments
Christmas Tree Ornaments carved in Wood Carpenter's Pencils
More Carpenter's Pencil Tree Ornaments
More Christmas Tree Ornaments made from Carpenter's Pencils.
Santa brought this carousel to Yolande unpainted.