
17. The River

I watch the river from the window of my room.

It's moods thrill and amaze me each time I watch anew. .

It can be calm and blue with the sky's reflection. .

Then it can be wild and tempestuous,

with whitecaps flying across it's dark grey surface. .

The river is alive with ducks fish and the wild geese who live in and on it..

For awhile they were gone,

but now they are slowly coming back, to the river. .

It fascinates me.

So dark and deadly, so wild and free, and then at times so calm and peaceful. .

The river. .

I watch the river on dark days,

wondering if it holds the answers to my soul's quiet desperation,

Sometimes it seems too!

Some might say it holds too many questions,

and is only an escape,

but I watch the river, wondering at it's truth.. .

Dark days, bring this quietness as I sit at my window,

watching this mighty river of destruction pour across my soul. .

So, I watch the river and it's changing moods as it flows by me,

on it's way down the valley to the sea.

The river...