V = Hr

(t = 1/H = 10~20 bil. years)





r = V/H






rcr = c/H




c - light velocity ~ 3*108 m/s

H - Hubble's constant - 50~100 km/(s*Mpk)

t - "age of all things" - 10~20 bil. years

rcr - distance when space body should reach light velocity.

People! Help me! I probably made some strong miscalculation!

I have got that rcr = 3~6 Mpk, but this is average distance between galaxies!

(It means one of us made mistake - either I either Hubble).

But even forgetting about figures at all this is the question of principle.

1) If this is linear dependence,- and how about light velocity? - It would be a greatest blasphemy ever heard!

2) But even using Einstein dependence instead of linear - our world (whole) is going to test in practice what it means to be near to light velocity . - Right ho! I believe in fairies!

People! If one of us would be so kind to elucidate this question he would make not only my day but many and many my days.

