under heavy construction

Watch for falling bytes! Wear head gear at all times!

site under the watchful eye of aaron breckenridge

Doug Breckenridge The man of the house

Deb Breckenridge The woman of the house

Tiffany Breckenridge The Nissan Sentra woman

Aaron Breckenridge The HTML editor of the house

Laura Breckenridge The little sister and usuall scapegoat of the house

Links : small list if sights Aaron likes to visit

Aaron Is Experimenting in Virtual Reality...

Visit the Earth Earth and the Atmosphere (I can see my home from here)

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So far 437 captures due to the hit tv show America's Most Wanted

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mail all questions, suggestions, or mail bombs to me

last updated Sunday, December 2, 1996, 9:10 AM CST