
Niles: I can't believe you told your mother you were giving up men! What did she do? 
Fran: Well, she tried to swallow an entire rotisserie chicken in her mouth like a python.

Fran: I know that you pretended to be sick to get me to drive. I tell you it is just so adorable how you can't really express the way you feel. Like all the times that you yell and scream at me, when in reality, you wanna hug me.
Max: Well...
Fran: And all those times that you fired me, when in reality you wanna kiss me.
Max: All right...
Fran: When you told me you loved me and you took it back, when in reality...
Max: No, actually, that I meant.
Fran: I hate you.
Max: No you don't. You really want to hug me.
Fran: Okay I'm busted!

Niles: Did you just say, that you told Miss Fine that you loved her, and then you took it back?!!! That's it isn't it? That's 'The Thing'. I could just kick you in the seat of the pants!

Maxwell: Do you, love him Miss Fine?
Fran: Don't be ridiculous. It took me three years to fall in love with you--hoos chocolate flavored beverage, moving on!

Max: Oh Miss Fine, it's not your fault. Sometimes horrible accidents happen.
Niles (pointing at C.C.): Exhibit A.
Fran: I'm going to make my platform animal rights. I'm going to speak out for all the little creatures that no one cares about.
Niles (pointing at C.C.): Exhibit B!

Fran: Did you know how he felt about me?
Niles: Did I know? For 4 years now, I have been hinting to you, I have been hinting to him, I have been hinting him to hint to you. Why do you think I don't have enough time to make paté?

Max (knocking on Fran's bedroom door): Miss Fine, are you decent?
Fran: Yeah, but I can get indecent in a second.

Fran: A woman just called and said that Ma may not be my real mother!
Max: So, are we happy or sad?
Fran: We're thinking.

Max: Well, maybe I should just face the fact that my father fell in love with his secretary, 
Fran: and your sister fell in love with her chauffeur,
Max: and my grandfather married his maid.
Fran: No sense breaking tradition.
Max: None that I can see!

Fran: Oh Mr. Sheffield, I just wanted you to know that these last three years have been just the best years of my life.
Max: Oh God--my children! Oh, they adored you Miss. Fine.
Fran: Ya know, now would be a good time to call me Fran. 
Max: (after lots more turbulence in the plane) I love you.

C.C.: Niles...where's Maxwell? I've been trying to reach his room all day!
Niles: Oh...well try Nanny Fine's room. It's 4592.
C.C.: 4592 is Maxwell's room. 
Niles: I know. Isn't that funny? Funny, funny, funny!

C.C.: Why would he pick her over me?

Fran: (to God) Now I know we haven't talked since John-John went through with the wedding, but I really love this guy. So please help me to make everything go good tonight. I suppose a sign that you heard me would be too much to ask?
Max: Come on Miss Fine! Oh, I'm afraid the limo's a tad crowded so you're gonna have to sit on my lap.
Fran: That'll do.

Fran: Mr Sheffield I know that I am not crazy, that King was coming on to me.
Max: Well of course he was Miss Fine, of course he was. Anyone could see he was smitten with you.
Fran: Wasn't he?
Max: Of course he was. He's a man, and unfortunately some men are just not very good at expressing their feelings. Well, I could see right through that sultan, ah yes, you would start as his nanny alright. You would start working with him for a few years, and eventually be on a first name basis. And then one day he would come to realize you were more important to him than his work, and then, ha, then he'd tell you he loves you.
Fran: And when does that happen?
Max: Right now.. I love you.
Fran: What?
Max: Fran, I love you.

Sylvia: Fran, I'm tellin' you right now, if I don't get grandchildren out of him, I am never stepping foot in this house again!
Fran: Oh, congratulations, Ma! You have just invented the first fool-proof male contraceptive!

Fran: I could plan this wedding myself.
Max: Oh, no, no. We want it to be nice.

Fran: Did you think that just because I sacrificed five years of my life to raise your children so you could go off and achieve financial success that I was gonna hire some barracuda lawyer to take everything you've got so I can retire in the Riviera and go blond? Who thinks of such things?

Max: But, you knew how I felt about you!
Fran: Well, I thought I did when you told me that you loved me, but then you took it back!
Max: Oh! Why do you always have to bring that up?
Fran: Why? Does it make you feel bad and guilty?
Max: Yes.
Fran: Well, that's why I always have to bring it up.

Max: Oh darling, what do you say we just get out of here.
Fran: Oh, we can't leave yet, they haven't thrown the bouquet.
Max: Darling, you do that. You're the bride, remember?
Fran: And there's your silver lining.

Fran: Okay, let's see here. It says if you are not pregnant it will turn pink. If you are pregnant, it will turn will we all.

{HAHAHA.... I LOVE that show...}


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