I am now Miss Olivia's Mamaw, a title I am so proud of, all she has to do is say "Mamaw" and my heart melts, my checkbook flies open and I say, "What do you want baby?"

I no longer care about making a good impression for others. I seek comfortable, drama-free and peaceful surroundings. I now live by the notion if others don't like me, so be it. I don't dress for success, I have already gained that in my life. The only things I am really into are time with Miss Olivia, nature walks, Foxy my annoying little fur covered fart dog, Miss Fluffy Butt my cat that has saved my life many times ( I am a diabetic and sometimes my sugar level drops during the night, when that happens she bites my nose until she gets me awake and she doesn't give up either until I do something, anything). I do still make quilts, do crafts once in a while, love my computer and doing home improvement projects with my daughter. Jamie is "bob vila" and I am her "go fer and wood holder". I still love a "bargain" so I go to yard sales, thrift shops and all the Dollar Stores.

I moved from the North to the Deep South a while back. I just about croaked until I got used to the heat. I love the fact that I can grow plants year round. I do like my flowers. I learned I like figs fresh off the tree, Kumquats, I hope I spelled that right, Dee laughs everytime she hears that word, and other fruits that are native to where I live. I was shocked to learn that "bayou" is just what they call rivers here. I pictured it as some huge swamp with people living among the gators and snakes. I am learning a few cajun words and what they mean. All in all its been a great experience, plus I get to be with my beloved daughter, granddaughter and even you Dee. Dee is my webpage designer now and she is really good at it. I used to design webpages but at the age I am now I try not to have to learn too much new stuff. My brain has two compartments, Need to Know and Junk. Well Junk filled up first and fell over into Need to Know and you know the rest of that story!

I guess what I want to say about myself is: I am a witty, sassy, semi-intelligent, no longer put up with bullcrap and mind games, totally cool, creative, young at heart, special older person that anyone would be blessed to know. Yep that about covers it, and yes I did just toot my own horn. I like me better than anyone else does.

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