Ok, so you can barely see him, but that blue little thing in this picture is my fish Ross:

I got Ross when I was at Skiringssal Folkehøyskole. My room-mate, Marie, and I thought we needed to sprite up our room, so we bought him Tuesday September 2, 1997. We were so excited about buying him, that we jumped around and screamed. The first few days we spent talking and singing to him, to make sure he'd feel at home. We were afraid he would die because he wouldn't eat anything, and he didn't swim much around, either. But after a while he got used to our room and his new bowl, and he started swimming frantically around, and eating all the time.

Marie and I couldn't agree on a name for him, that's why he's got two. While Marie insists that his name is Yoda, I refuse to call him that, since I hate Star Wars.

Ross is a blue Beta-fish (also called Siamese Fighting Fish). This is a very hardy type of fish, he can survive in just about any surroundings. As a matter of fact, when I moved from Skirngssal back home to Bergen, I brought him back with me in a big bottle of water. Unfortunately, there was a hole in the bag , so the bottle fell out, and landed underneath the train. But still, Ross is alive and thriving.

Ross might not look like Ross (David Schwimmer) in the TV-show Friends, but he's really cute.