Darkness...it consumes you whole in its embrace. Cautiously, you hold up the Sword to your face. Cold steel is the only reassurance in these god-forsaken ruins. You stumbled forward, suddenly blinded by the sudden flash of light. Lightning has punctured a hole through 15 inches of solid stone...allowing a hazy beam to pass through. Not any ordinary light...

It casts a pale blue hue across your body. Peering out of the makeshift window, you find that the sky had taken an ominous overcast. Winds raged and lightning blots lashed out at the Castle.

"The die is cast and thy doom nears!", you swore into the looming darkness. Fumbling and staggering, you pull yourself up to what appeared to be the top of a flight of steps, which ended up to a massive ebony door. Aged, yet rigid, it stands firm.

"Far meis dar HAVOK!" The words rushed out of your parched throat...and the door exploded into smithereens, the fragments and splints cutting deep into your raw wounds.

"So, thou art here...But it matters not, for thine bones will decorate mine chambers as so many had before thee!" the foul sorceror spoke, his crackling voice that resonating off the dank walls.

Raising his arms, a sudden gush of wind swept you off your feet. "Kneel! You pathetic knave! Feel mine powers!!!" From his gnarled claws, vicious bolts of electricity stung you numb...slowly, your life is being snuffed out like the torches' fires.

But the fires that are brewing inside your very own soul rages. The flames that lick at the cages you have for so long kept under wraps. The fires grew stronger as you grow physically weaker...until.... Driving the Sword into the ground, you heaved yourself up high. Under your panting, you muttered the ancient incantations of HAVOK. "LAI WU YING QU WU ZHONG 360 DU FAN GUO LAI ZHUAN GUO QU WU DI KONG ZHONG XUAN HUAN TUI !!"

"This cannot be!!!. Noooooo....!!!" Suprised, the villian fell back. "No one can withstand the fury of my powers!!" With sudden renewed vigour, he rushed forward, froth flowing out of his mouth...

But it was not to be. The incantation finished, your body filled with adrenaline, your veins filled with hard pumping blood and your lust for revenge all at their peaks, you put into motion, the spectacular move. "FOR HAVOK!!!" You let your instincts guide you as you swung up the heavy sword, twirling it in a graceful dance to the death. Turning in mid air, you extend your legs and the weapon. IT could not take such a beating. IT crumbled into the ground and turned into dust, its youth no longer maintained by its dark heart and unnatural sorcery.

"It is done...." Swing your sword here to enter HAVOK in Cyberspace.

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