If you like my page let me know
I have worked hard on this page I hope you like it
welcome to Joe's
home page!
I would like to take the time to tell
you that with out the help of my
step-mother that has passed away
this page would not be posable
Thank You
last updated 11-02-05
here are some pics of me
They may take some time to load

   Well this page is all about me. most of all this page is for all my friends and family. this is a place were I can put up my Pic.'s of my self for all my chat friends to see. this page is always being worked on and most of the time still takes a few extra min.'s to load due to all the pics that I have on it at this time. sorry if you have a slow connection. well hope you like it. later
you can almost always get ahold of me  by useing my email or my yahoo IM
email is joegulley@hotmail.com
my yahoo name is gulleylove2000
you are the
visitor on my page! hope you liked it!
down below are a few pics that I was given and put up for some friends Hope you like them as much as I do!
Dont forget that Big Brother is always watching you.
below are just a few of the links that I go to all the time
You need Java to see this applet.

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