AntiDuck : Screen name description
That was the year 1995. One guy was looking for a handle.
He wants to be remarkable person on da streets of Cyber World and liked a name of MegaVolt, the anti hero from Disney's "Dark Wing Duck" famous cartoon. But, he got a problem, because, You never get anything for nothing, and sometime, sunny side isn't up, if everybody do it, so why can't we, and finally, shit happens.

This handle was already taken. He was in doubt,and where was no choice, no test paper to check all that apply, no tremendeous and outrageous ideas. Big Ups ! Any new ideas about handle ? No way ! Yes, way ! What about the main AntiHero in that cartoon ? Who's laughing now ? Let me remember his name .. He is nice, he usually yellow weared, and he's mighty like a U.S.official tested and approved Eagle. As far, as I could remember he is AntiDuck. Yeah, right ! Come'on ! Let the beat control You body and what's love got to do ? So, let's return to my homepage and see, what kind of cool and, at the same time hot offers AntiDuck have for You. Press here to return to AntiDuck Homepage.

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We should now (C)rash, (B)oom, or (B)ang ?