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Cheetah's Area

At Geocities South Beach 8460


Glad you made it to my little strand on the Web!


From my Home Page you can find my Page's on: Gardening, Fishing, Graphics, Animations, Music, Programs, Utilities and info for Web Page making, Chatting, Jokes and other Funnys, and much more! So take off your shoes, grab a drink, get comfortable and enjoy yourself.

The stuff I've listed on my pages are some of the things I really enjoy, and some other stuff I find interesting at this time. Hope you find the pages and the links useful, and the articles interesting.

Pages featured at my South Beach Home are Chatting Areas, Fishing, Gardening, a little about my Family and myself, my Fuzzy Kids, Fun and Funny Areas, an Award area, and visiting Award Winning Sites. As you visit these areas I hope you meet many new friends.

Sign the Guest Book so I can get to know you too.

Check back from time to time to see whats new.

This Site may load Slow the first time...OH, but it's worth the wait!!!

Please do not link to any graphic or midi on any of my pages. Tomorrow it may be on another of my pages. This place is just like my furniture, you just never know when I'll rearrange it.

If you find any errors on my pages, you may consider they are printed for the ones who always look for them.
(I try to print something for everyone) :-)

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The Links on the side bar at the top of the page will take you on your journey through all my Sites.

Thanks for visiting!

All credits can be found on my
Home Page Making Page