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Rain - the Movie that will shape a generation

It was a dark, misty, rainy, musty, humid, depressing, wet, adjectival, stormy day when young and upcoming writers Nicholas Ball and Thomas Murtagh came upon the idea that many have descibed as "a flash of brilliance in a world full of disaster movies". While waiting to see that really really long Director's Cut of "Hamlet" for the fifth time, standing amongst numerous posters advertising so-called "coming attractions", and staring at an ad for "Volcano" featuring a life-sized picture of an igneous eruption, the two film-makers, described by many as the "Forrest Gumps of the movie industry", came upon a title and an idea for a film that would take the world by storm. The idea - a movie where man came under attack from the forces of nature. The title - RAIN!

A new challenge now faced the Diabolical Duo - this project would be nothing like anything that they had ever tried before, even when counting the short-lived 'Steed Of Dracula' idea, where Mr Ed was a vampire, and rode the countryside, biting innocent young virgin's necks. They initially sought help in the warm and welcoming arms of their local video store, but finally decided that it is the strongest stork of all that turns itself away from the nest, and takes it upon itself to fling itself off the highest branch it can find, to see whether it can fly or not. So, the Terrible Two sought out their destiny, and threw themselves off the proverbial height. Did they fly? Did they float? Did they glide? Or did they smash into a large expanse of concrete smattered with broken glass, rusty nails and impale-ready stakes at high speed? Only time, and the box-office, and the critical popularity, and the Academy, and the rest of the world will decide...

This site is dedicated to the forward publicity of the film, which has yet to be released. You'll find memorablilia, advertising strategies, a gradual script that will build up over the weeks coming up to the film's release, an interview with the makers of the film, and a fascinating background on the sort of people who make this sort of film.

Enjoy! And don't forget to see the movie!

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