Bit By Bit
Choreographed by: Kelvin Elvidge, Westland MI, email

Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Beginner line dance

That'll Teach Her - Chris Cummings(from his "Lonesomeville" CD) (slow teach - 125 BPM)
Under the Hood - Billy Ray Cyrus (169 BPM)
Going Going Gone - Tracey Brown (175 BPM)
Bit by Bit - John Landry (176 BPM)
Right Here Right Now - Charlie Major (177 BPM)
Here Comes My Baby - The Mavericks (182 BPM)
This dance works well with any 2-step song about 180BPM. The above songs are just some suggestions, my favorite is Bit by Bit from John Landry...hence the dance title.
Counts Step Descriptions
Right Sugarfoot, Cross Step, Hold and Clap, Left Sugarfoot, Cross Step, Hold and Clap
1,2 Touch right toe in toward left instep, touch right heel by left instep pointing toes out
3,4 Cross step right foot over left, hold and clap
5,6 Touch left toe in toward right instep, touch left heel by right instep pointing toes out
7,8 Cross step left foot over right, hold and clap
Right Toe Touches Right, Hold, Forward, Hold, Vine Right 3, Hold
1,2 Touch right toes to right side, hold
3,4 Touch right toes forward, hold
5,6 Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind right
7,8 Step right foot to right side, hold
Touch Left Toes Forward, Hold, Left, Hold
1,2 Touch left toes forward, hold
3,4 Touch left toes to left side, hold
Cross Step Left Behind Right, Step Right 1/4 to Right, Step Forward Left, Hold
1,2 Cross step left foot behind right, step right foot 1/4 to right
3,4 Step forward on left foot, hold
Cross Right Over Left, Hold, Step Back on Left, Hold
1,2 Cross step right foot over left, hold
3,4 Step back on left foot, hold
Step Right to Right, Step Left Together, Rock Right to Right, Recover Left
1,2 Step right foot to right side, step left foot together
3,4 Rock right foot to right, recover with weight on left foot



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