The Line King (Adult Version)
Choreographed by: Kelvin Elvidge, Westland MI, email

This Dance is dedicated to the "King" of the Dance floor back home - "Colonel" Peter Metelnick

Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Beginner line dance

Elvis & Andy - Confederate Railroad (slower teach) (start on vocal)
Sittin' Pretty - Thomas Wade & Wayward (start on vocal)
I Just Can't Wait to be King - Elton John (From "The Lion King" Soundtrack) - TURBO SPEED

Counts Step Descriptions
Toe Struts Forward Right and Left with Finger Snaps, Turning Jazzbox with Scuff
1,2 Touch right toe forward, step down on right foot and snap fingers
3,4 Touch left toe forward, step down on left foot and snap fingers
5,6 Cross step right foot over left, step back on left foot
7,8 Step right foot 1/4 turn to right, scuff left foot
Toe Struts Forward Left and Right with Finger Snaps, Left Jazzbox
1,2 Touch left toe forward, step down on left foot and snap fingers
3,4 Touch right toe forward, step down on right foot and snap fingers
5,6 Cross step left foot over right, step back on right foot
7,8 Step left foot to left, touch right foot together
Vine Right and Clap, Elvis Knees
1,2 Step right foot to right side, cross left foot behind right
3,4 Step right foot to right, step left foot together and clap
5,6 Raise right heel turning right knee to left, hold
7,8 Lower right heel to floor & raise left heel, turn left knee to right, hold
Vine Left and Clap, Hips Right, Left, Hip Thrusts Forward
1,2 Step left foot to left side, cross step right foot behind left
3,4 Step left foot to left side, step right foot together and clap
5,6 Bump hips to the right, bump hips to the left
7,8 Bump (Thrust) hips forward twice (optional hop forward when doing each thrust - have fun with it)



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