Land Slide
Choreographed by: Kelvin Elvidge, Westland MI, May '98 email

Description: 48 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance

Earthquake - Ronnie Milsap (slow teach)
Landslide - The Cruzeros (great Canadian Band from Alberta) *MY FAVORITE SONG FOR THIS DANCE*
Counts Step Descriptions
Basic Right and Clap, Basic Left and Clap
1,2 Step right foot to right side, slide left foot together
3,4 Step right foot to right side, touch left foot next to right and clap
5,6 Step left foot to left side, slide right foot together
7,8 Step left foot to left side, touch right foot together and clap
Vine Right (OPTIONAL ROLLING VINE) and Clap, Vine Left with 1/4 Turn Left and Shuffle Left/Right/Left
1,2 Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind right
3,4 Step right foot to right side, touch left foot together and clap
5,6 Step left foot to left side, cross step right foot behind left
7&8 Step left foot to left side making a 1/4 turn left, step right together, step forward on left foot
Rock Forward Right, Recover Left, Right Coaster Step, Rock Left, Recover Right, Left Coaster Step
1,2 Rock forward on the right foot, recover with weight on left foot
3&4 Step back on right foot, step left foot together, step forward on right foot
5,6 Rock forward on the left foot, recover with weight on right foot
7&8 Step back on left foot , step right foot together, step forward on left foot
Quarter Pivot Turns (Paddle Turns) 4 Times
1,2 Step forward on the right foot, turn 1/4 turn to left on ball of left foot
3,4 Step forward on the right foot, turn 1/4 turn to left on ball of left foot
5,6 Step forward on the right foot, turn 1/4 turn to left on ball of left foot
7,8 Step forward on the right foot, turn 1/4 turn to left on ball of left foot
Turning Jazzbox with a Shuffle, Forward Shuffle Left, Forward Shuffle Right
1,2 Cross step right foot over left, step back on left foot
3&4 Step right foot to right turning 1/4 turn right, step left foot together, step right together
5&6 Step forward on left foot, step right foot together, step left foot forward
7&8 Step forward on right foot, step left foot together, step forward on right
Step Left, 1/2 Pivot Turn Right, Step Left, 1/4 Pivot Right, Rock Left, Recover Right, Left Coaster Step
1,2 Step forward on the left foot, turn 1/2 turn to right
3,4 Step forward on the left foot, turn 1/4 turn to right
5,6 Rock forward on the left foot, recover with weight on right
7&8 Step back on left foot, step right foot together, step forward on left foot
Repeat from the start



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