Pop A Top
Choreographed by: Kelvin Elvidge, Westland MI, email kelvinmich@hotmail.com
Description: Intermediate / Advanced Sequence Country Line Dance
Music: "Pop A Top" by Alan Jackson (146 BPM) Start 4 counts in from the start of the song
Sequence of Dance is - ABC ABC AC ABC with the counts as:
Part A - 4 Counts, Part B - 42 Counts, Part C - 64 Counts (32 Counts repeated)
Counts Step Descriptions
PART A - 4 Counts
Clap, Pop the Top
1,2 Clap hands (left palm facing up, right facing down), curl right wrist up as if opening a soda can
3,4 Lower left hand while bending right elbow, bring both hands to waist level where its comfortable
This is the end of Part A

PART B - 42 Counts
Right Shuffle Forward, Rock Left to Left, Left Sailor, Right Sailor
1&2 Step forward on right foot, step left together, step forward on right foot
3,4 Rock left foot to left side, recover weight on right
5&6 Step left foot behind right, step right to right, step left to left
7&8 Step right foot behind left, step left to left, step right to right
Cross Heel Digs Travelling Right, Left Toe Touches Forward, Side, Back, Step Left to Left
1,2 Cross step left heel over right and grind heel, step right to right
3,4 ">Cross step left heel over right and grind heel, step right to right
5-8 Touch left toes forward, left side, back, step left to left
Cross Heel Grinds Travelling Left, Right Toe Touches Forward, Side, Back, Step Right on Right Diagonal
1,2 Cross step right heel over left and grind heel, step left to left
3,4 Cross step right heel over left and grind heel, step left to left
5-8 Touch right toes forward, right side, back, step right toward right diagonal
Cross Rocks Left Over Right, Scuff Right, Cross Rocks Right Over Left, Scuff Left
1,2 Cross rock left over right, recover right
3,4 Cross rock left over right, scuff right foot
5,6 Cross rock right over left on left diagonal, recover left
7,8 Cross rock right over left on left diagonal, scuff left
Left Jazz Box With Cross, Step Left to Left, Step Right ¼ To Right
1,2 Cross step left foot over right, step back on right foot
3,4 Step left foot to left side, cross step right foot over left
5,6 Step left foot to left side, step right to right turning ¼ right on left foot
Cross Step Left Over Right, Side Shuffle Right/Left/Right, Step Down On Left
1 Cross step left foot over right foot
2&3 Step right foot to right side, step left together, step right to right
4 Step down on left foot
This is the end of Part B

Vine Right With Shuffle Steps, Hip Swings Left, Right, Left, Right
1,2 Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right
3&4 Step right foot to right, step left together, step right together
5-8 Swing or Sway hips left, right, left, right
Vine Left With Shuffle Step, Swing Hips Right, Left, Right, Left
1,2 Step left foot to left side, cross step right behind left
3&4 Step left to left, step right together, step left together
5-8 Swing or sway hips right, left, right, left
Step Right Forward, Touch Left and Clap, Shuffle Back Left/Right/Left
1,2 Step right foot forward on right diagonal, touch left foot together and clap
3&4 Step left foot back on left diagonal, step right together, step left together
Step Right Back On Right Diagonal, Touch Left Together and Clap, Shuffle Forward Left/Right/Left
1,2 Step right foot back on right diagonal, touch left together and clap
3&4 Step left forward on left diagonal, step right together, step left together
Turning Jazz Box, Turning Jazz Box
1,2 Cross step right over left, step back on left foot
3,4 Step right foot ¼ turn to right, step left together
5,6 Cross step right over left, step back on left foot
7,8 Step right foot ¼ turn to right, step left together
Repeat Above 32 Counts
33-64 Repeat the previous 32 counts from start of Part C
This is the end of Part C
Dance sequence is ABC ABC AC ABC



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